Mountain Gardens

Paluma is a great place to garden because it has a rather unique micro-climate, situated on the top of a mountain range where clouds role over the crest and spread mist through the village almost every day.  The climate is much cooler and rainier than the coastal lowlands and this makes Paluma a great place to grow a diversity of native and exotic plants. Click here to browse all of our garden photos.

There is no doubt that there are some very keen gardeners at Paluma. Everyone has at least a little patch of garden. Some have larger gardens and are downright obsessed with growing things. Many a Saturday morning at the local eateries, you will hear conversations amongst the villagers regarding their latest gardening feats, flowering fetishes and potted treasures. Some of these plants are offered for sale at our Sunday markets.

Each year we hold a garden competition.  Visit our Best Paluma Gardens Page to see pictures from last year’s winning gardens.

Paluma’s higher altitude and misty conditions create different challenges (as well as rewards) compared to the coastal lowlands.   We plan to regularly post tips from our more experienced gardeners on how to get the best our of your mountain  garden and how to care for specific plants.

Plants that are particularly notable in Paluma are shown below. Click on an image to see more information on different flower types.

What’s Flowering in Paluma Gardens currently? 

Our gardens are in a constant state of change, with major transformations throughout the year as different trees and plants burst into flower. Follow our regular updates on what’s blooming here or watch a slide show of Paluma Gardens through the seasons.