
If the village of Paluma were to have an exotic flower emblem it would have to be the Tibouchina. These beautiful flowering plants belong to the Genus Tibouchina come in all shapes and sizes from small dwarf shrubs to large trees. Tibouchinas are best known for their dazzling purple flowers which appear in abundance several times of the year.

Tibouchinas are hard to miss at Paluma because just about every garden has one or two or three…. In full bloom these plants are spectacular and attract all types of birds and insects.  There are several common cultivars which thrive in the Paluma climate. They are an easy to grow and very rewarding garden plant. The flowers range from deep purple, lavender, pink and white, depending on the variety. There is one variety known as ‘Chameleon’ which sprouts flowers of various shades of purple which then fade to pink and white as the blooms age.

As soon as you drive into the village of Paluma you will undoubtedly see a Tibouchina or two in flower.