Paluma hosts a variety of events each year featuring music, arts, sport and local history. These include weekly History Displays and annual events such as the Bush Dance, Paluma Push and Ephemera in the Mist.
We also welcome expressions of interest from anyone wishing to host an event up in the mist. Event venues available for booking include the Community Hall, the Paluma Environmental Education Centre, and Gumburu Catholic Education Centre. See the links for more information.
Paluma Community Hall 55 Mt Spec Road, Paluma, AustraliaIn addition to the Community Meeting to review experiences and lessons learned from the recent rains (Saturday March 29 at 1pm) the PDCA will be hosting a BBQ lunch at the Community Hall at 12 pm before the meeting.
Community Meeting to review experiences and lessons learned from recent rain event
Paluma Community Hall 55 Mt Spec Road, Paluma, AustraliaA community meeting to review our experiences during & after the February extreme weather event will be held on Saturday the 29nd of March commencing at 1 pm in the Paluma Community Hall. The objective is to record lessons learnt for the future, discuss known problems & see what we can do to improve how … Continue reading "Community Meeting to review experiences and lessons learned from recent rain event"
PDCA Meeting
Paluma Community Hall 55 Mt Spec Road, Paluma, AustraliaThere will be a regular meeting of the PDCA Council at 3pm, after the community meeting. This PDCA meeting will cover various ongoing items (see agenda below). While these meetings have traditionally been considered as business meetings attended only by the elected members of the Council/Executive, we welcome any residents to attend and to raise … Continue reading "PDCA Meeting"
PDCA Social Drinks in the Hall
Once a month (on the Friday night before the Village Working Bee) we open the Community Hall and the bar between 6-8 pm for residents and visitors to come and socialise and play a friendly game of table tennis or darts. Bring along some nibbles or some finger food to share if you feel inclined.
Paluma History Display
Every Saturday from April till November (inclusive) we open up the Community Hall and set out a variety of displays and resources that document the rich history of the region, including early settlement, construction of the range road and the heroic activities of the miners and loggers who explored the wilderness and developed its earliest … Continue reading "Paluma History Display"
Working Bee at the Community Hall
On the first Saturday of every month, we invite volunteers to come along to the Community Centre where Wilfred Karnol will coordinate one or more activities aimed at maintaining and improving the Hall and surrounding gardens, the local walking track, or other community activity. We meet at 2 pm at the Community Hall and finish … Continue reading "Working Bee at the Community Hall"
Paluma History Display
Every Saturday from April till November (inclusive) we open up the Community Hall and set out a variety of displays and resources that document the rich history of the region, including early settlement, construction of the range road and the heroic activities of the miners and loggers who explored the wilderness and developed its earliest … Continue reading "Paluma History Display"
Paluma History Display
Every Saturday from April till November (inclusive) we open up the Community Hall and set out a variety of displays and resources that document the rich history of the region, including early settlement, construction of the range road and the heroic activities of the miners and loggers who explored the wilderness and developed its earliest … Continue reading "Paluma History Display"
Paluma Easter Markets
Paluma Community Hall 55 Mt Spec Road, Paluma, Australia
Palum History Display
Every Saturday from April till November (inclusive) we open up the Community Hall and set out a variety of displays and resources that document the rich history of the region, including early settlement, construction of the range road and the heroic activities of the miners and loggers who explored the wilderness and developed its earliest … Continue reading "Palum History Display"
PDCA Social Drinks in Hall
Once a month (on the Friday night before the Village Working Bee) we open the Community Hall and the bar between 6-8 pm for residents and visitors to come and socialise and play a friendly game of table tennis or darts. Bring along some nibbles or some finger food to share if you feel inclined.n