Paluma gardeners are quite accustomed to regular visits from the local wildlife, be it birdlife, bandicoots, wallabies, lizards and snakes. However, over the past two weeks an echidna or spiny ant-eater (Tachyglossus aculeatus) has been spotted in several gardens along the eastern end of Mt Spec Road. This spiky character has been seen digging for termites, ants and other invertebrate goodies to eat.

Echidna’s occur over most of Australia from cool temperate climes to tropical forests and desert. Mating occurs in July and August which might account for this individual being very active at present. It seems to be particularly fond of the gardens at No’s 15, 16, 17 and 18 Mt Spec Road. Keep an eye out for this welcome garden visitor next time you take a walk through the eastern end of the village.
That’s amazing to spot one up there – what a cutie!