A very successful Working Bee was held on Saturday (25 August) at the Village Green at Paluma. Fifteen very enthusiastic volunteers congregated at the Green to spread some mulch and topsoil around the Green and at the Trees In Memory. A very big ‘THANK YOU’ to all those attended to lend a hand and make light work of the tasks to be done.
The band of volunteers included:- Don Battersby, Graham & Judy Malpass, Len Cook, Wilfred and Suzanne Karnoll, Graham Pope, Jamie Oliver, Juanita Poletto, Peter Klumpp, Beth Snewin, Colwyn Campbell, Roy Mackay, Wayne Pellow and Michele Bird.

Special mention goes to Graham Pope for bringing along his tractor!. Roy Mackay kept a close eye on operations and thanks to Suzanne for the tasty sausage rolls. The generosity and community spirit that exists in Paluma makes this village a very special place indeed!

Wow! Great work everyone!