This article (with minor edits) was published as “Paluma in the Clouds” in the Rollingstone Rag June edition.

Photo by J.Oliver
The Satin bowerbirds, a common resident in the village at this time of year, have been numerous and active. The bower in our front garden has been freshened up by a male satin bower bird and is once again decorated in fresh blue pieces to attract the many local females. There is much competition and amorous calling ensuring the bower birds of both sexes work up a large appetite. The glorious shiny black males and stripy legged females come into our bird feeder keen and hungry. I’ve counted ten on some mornings, jostling for space to snatch a tidbit.

There have been two new welcome upgrades to our community. Firstly, we’re grateful to the Townsville City Council for providing a doggie poo bag dispenser next to their bins near the community hall. Locals and visitors alike will be most appreciative of the facility. Also, there has been a recent upgrade to our telecommunications by Telstra and we now have 5G on the mountain.

Talking about wagging tails… WaG…aka The Wattle and Gum Bush Band will be providing a fun afternoon of bush dancing and music in the Paluma community hall on Saturday June 22nd from 12pm – 4pm. The PDCA bar and BBQ will be open from 12pm with the bush dance starting at 1pm. A gold coin donation for entry to the dance is requested. It will be great fun for friends and family and a brilliant way to warm up on a chilly day. Many locals have enjoyed this event and highly recommend it.

Our upcoming June Market on Sunday 23rd of June is one of our most popular of the year. As usual, the sausage sizzle will be running and stalls with baked goods and preserves (all homemade), crafts, art, fresh produce and many other items will be open to punters from 9am to 1pm. There is also the possibility we may be treated to some folk music from members of the infamous Wattle and Gum bush band. Fingers crossed they won’t be worn out from the dance the day before. It promises to be a market with fabulous atmosphere and goodies, but you may need to don your beanie as it could be a little chilly. Also, any locals available to help on the day, please contact Wilfred Karnoll. Your support for our community events is much appreciated and essential to its success.

From June, the Paluma History Display will be changing its opening times to the public from a Wednesday to every Saturday from 10am to 12pm at the Paluma Community Centre when there are no other events requiring the hall. Entry is free and tea/coffee will be available.
Text by J. Poletto