Our local member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto, has written to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, the Honourable Brent Mickelberg regarding urgent safety concerns about the Paluma Range Road.
Fairy Falls completed roadworks. Image from Michael Drew
We thank Nick for bringing the safety issues regarding our coastal access road to the Minister’s attention. Thanks also to Michael Drew for forwarding Nick’s letter for this post. I’ve inserted the letter as three images below. Please forgive the formatting but we wanted quick and easy access for all to read.
In the valley or village on the weekend of the 7-8th December? Heading to the Paluma tropical Xmas BBQ (or even if you’re not)? Why not make a day of it on the Saturday and join us for an update on what’s been happening at Mount Zero-Taravale Wildlife Sanctuary in 2024.
The deets (more details in poster below): Saturday 7th December, 10am – 1:30pm. Catering supplied, and for anyone keen, an optional tag along trip to check out feral predator-free exclosure fence – home to a growing population of endangered Northern Bettongs.
The PDCA’s end of year function, the Tropical Christmas BBQ, will be held on Saturday December 7th from 6:30 – 10pm. Bring along whatever you wish to cook on the bbq and a side to share. Or, you may wish to bring a dessert to share instead of a side, it is up to you. The bar will be open of course. It is time to kick back and welcome in the silly season.
Also, as is Paluma tradition, this year’s garden competition winners will be announced at the bbq. The judges, Angela and Dee from North Shore Bunnings, spent a very full day on Monday with Jamie, looking at all participants’ gardens. This was Dee’s first time in Paluma and both judges were thrilled to be up here enjoying the climate and the interesting plants it allows to grow as compared to Townsville. We ensured they had a lovely lunch and break so they didn’t wear out completely. It was fabulous to see quite a few Cairns Birdwing caterpillars munching away on the aristolochia vine.
Dee, Angela and Jamie enjoyed lunch in the cool on the hall verandah.
Our next Paluma working bee will be THE SECOND Saturday on November 9th. We will meet at the Community Hall at 2pm. Tasks will include:
Removal of cut up Sarsaparella tree on corner of Mt Spec Rd and Lennox Cresc to be taken to the dump.
Install a step on a washed out section of Colwyn’s track.
Clean out the gutter in Lennox Crescent just past the council water depot to make sure the storm water runs into the drain and not across the road.
Wilfred will have the gear for the first two tasks and will need the extra willing hands only. A couple of wheelbarrows and shovels for the drain on Lennox Crescent would be useful if you have that to bring. Most importantly, bring your willing hands and smile.
November’s Social Drinks evening has been changed to the second Friday of this month – November 8th. As usual, it will be at the Community Hall. The bar opens at 6pm. Come along for a catch-up over a drink. Locals and visitors alike are all welcome. Bring a plate of nibbles to share.
A male cassowary captured on one of the ‘camera traps’ in the Paluma Range.
As you may remember from reading a post back in July, there is a multi-year study of the cassowary across Paluma Range currently underway. It has returned some exciting early results with images of at least 7 individual birds so far. An update from the lead researcher, Wren McLean has been received and she has requested it be shared with the community as follows:
The 2nd Paluma Range Cassowary Citizen Science weekend has now been rescheduled to July 4th -6th 2025. For those not yet already informed, my mother has surgery which is scheduled for the end of Oct 2024 so I have committed to caring for her post surgery. This event will begin at 5pm on Friday 4th July 2025 at the Paluma Community Centre where we can socialise, share an Indian dinner (by donation) and enjoy the open bar before a presentation on the results of the Paluma Cassowary Project and planning session for the weekend’s surveys.
Please save the date and RSVP HERE to join the survey weekend. I will send out an email or two before the event to those registered in preparation for the survey. Apologies for any inconvenience for the reschedule. I hope to see you there in July.
Many punters enjoyed the offerings of the various stalls.
Two significant events occurred last Sunday, October 7th: our final markets for the year and the dedication of the Hylands’ Rainforest Walk. Our last markets for the year, the Paluma Spring Markets, drew many visitors who browsed, chatted, laughed, ate and most importantly, spent their coin at our PDCA stalls. A slow start to the morning but foot traffic increased and remained steady till the end. Reports from all stall holders was one of being very pleased with their sales.
The SES book stall was very pleased with their takings for the morning as was the PDCA baked good and preserves stall.
Wilfred has reported takings for the day to be over $1400! Much gratitude and thanks for the efforts of all involved who have supported raising these funds for the PDCA – for your community. This couldn’t be done without the generosity of those in our community donating goods, time, skills and energy to ensure a successful market. We look forward to catching up with everyone at the next TGIF Friday social evening where we will put on a free sausage sizzle for those who may have missed out on one at the markets. Pass the word round and keep the date, Friday November 1st. Be great to see y’all there.
Jamie spoke of Les and Lynn’s enormous commitment and contribution to the Paluma community which Paul Jacobs acknowledged earlier during the unveiling of the sign.
Immediately following the Markets at 1PM there was a dedication ceremony for the “Hylands’ Rainforest Walk’ which our councillor member and Deputy Mayor, Paul Jacobs opened. Those in attendance heard how grateful and lucky our community was to have Les and Lynn Hyland who have together contributed an enormous amount of time and effort over the past 40 plus years to Paluma. It is obvious there are strong emotional ties and many happy memories Les and Lynn both have with Paluma. And it goes without saying they have left an indelible mark not only on the many events and improvements in our community but in our hearts as well.
Les and Lynn Hyland at the start of the walk named in their honour in recognition of their love of hiking in their younger days and their many contributions to Paluma Community. Photo: J. Oliver
Lastly, many thanks to all those who joined the working bees that have made the Hylands’ Rainforest Walk, just opposite the Community Hall, such a lovely easy stroll in the cool rainforest.
Text and photos by J. Poletto unless otherwise stated
At 1pm this Sunday, there will be an official dedication of the Hylands’ Rainforest Walk by Deputy Mayor Paul Jacobs.
All community members and visitors are welcome to attend. The walk is located opposite the rotunda at the community hall. Please be aware of traffic and stay well off the road.
Come and say ‘Hi’ to Les and Lynn Hyland, who have put so much time and effort into our community for more than 35 years.
Photos provided by Lynn and Les showing their active participation in community events and membership of the Rural Fire Brigade.
Text: J. Poletto Images: J. Poletto unless otherwise stated
Our monthly Social Drinks evening is THIS coming Friday, October 4th at the Community Hall. The bar opens at 6pm. Come and mingle and catch up on the latest. Locals and visitors alike are all welcome. Bring a plate of nibbles to share.
Also, don’t forget there is no working bee this Saturday but if you’re available 8am Sunday morning, meet Wilfred at the hall to help set up for the Sunday Spring Markets. Many hands make light work.