And some talk of cake…

Our Paluma Community Easter Market is just over a week away and will be held at the community hall on Sunday March 31st from 9am to 1pm.
This is a reminder that the hall will be open this Saturday, the 23rd from 10 – 11am for anyone wishing to register their availability to help out with a range of tasks such a community event entails.
Some of the jobs on the day are listed below if you would like to volunteer a half hour of your time to support a successful community market. Experienced volunteers will be there to explain the task if required.
Hall set up: from 8 – 9am
PDCA Stall Holders: on a roster from 9am – 1pm. Baked goods and preserves stall, produce and plants stall.
Sausage Sizzle set up (8:30am) and run: on roster from 9am – 1pm
Pack up and Clean up bbq, pagoda and hall: From 1 – 2pm.
This is also a reminder for the ‘Paluma Kitchen Rockstars’ baking for the PDCA baked goods stall. You can collect your ‘Paluma Produce’ stickers if you wish to use them, this Saturday from the hall between 10 and 11am. Please refer to the post: “Call-out to Paluma Bakers for the Easter Markets” for details on plating and labelling your baked goodies.