The Paluma Community Easter Market is fast approaching on Sunday March 31st. This is a call-out for Paluma’s Kitchen Rockstars to make, shake and bake home made goodies to sell for our community’s (PDCA) fund raising.
If you are interested in doing some baking and donating your goods for sale at the Easter Market then please read on…..
Here’s what to do:-
- Please divide your baked goods into small batches for sale. We suggest batches of 2, 4 or 6 individual pieces as this has worked well at previous markets.
- Please add a sticker or other suitable label outlining the contents of your baked goods. You will need to add this label to EVERY individual batch of goods. This is required for health & safety reasons. “Paluma Produce” stickers will be available for this purpose if you wish to use them. Pick up from Anneshka Brown at your and her convenience or from the hall on Saturday 23rd between 10 and 11am. See image at end of this post.
- Please plate the goods (in batches) and secure with glad wrap or suitable packaging. (We have previously used paper plates and glad wrap and this works well).
- Please add a price sticker to your goods, with what you think is a fair and reasonable price for your baked delights. We can provide price stickers as well.
- Please deliver your goods to the Community Hall on Sunday morning 31st March at 8.30 AM (for a 9 am market start).
- Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact Juanita Poletto by email: jpoletto@gmail.com or phone 0410202968. Some of our other lovely PDCA executive members Anneshka Brown, Jill Meads, Wilfred Karnoll and Jamie Oliver (he just might bust out his famous chocolate brownie recipe) should also be able to answer any questions you may have.
Previous cake stalls have been a roaring success, so please contribute if you can for the upcoming Easter Market. All donations are much appreciated