Pictures of people on

During many of our community events such as community social evenings working bees and meetings. Members of the PDCA often take pictures during these events including individual participants. These pictures are then used to enhance a post on or other publications that report on this event.

While the editors of, and other PDCA executive members generally receive positive feedback regarding the use of pictures of participants in various events, we have been made aware that some individuals would prefer not to have their photographs published.

This matter was discussed at our last Annual General Meeting (AGM) and it was decided that while the practice of taking pictures by authorised people and subsequent posting on should continue, there should be a clear and simple procedure for those who are not comfortable having their picture published to opt-out.

The PDCA AGM agreed that we should never take or publish pictures of people who have indicated that they do not want this to occur. We (the organizers of events) will endeavour to remind people at each event that we are taking pictures for publication but we ask those who do not want this, to ensure that the photographer or one of the event organizers knows that you feel this way as soon as possible. If an event photographer starts taking your picture or has just taken your picture before you have had a chance to express your wishes, please politely let them know and they will ensure that no images of you are published.

I hope that the procedures above will provide appropriate assurances to those who do not wish to have their picture taken, while still allowing others to enjoy reviewing the description and images of recent events that they had fun at, or wished they hadn’t missed!

If you have any concerns regarding this issue please don’t hesitate to contact me or any other member of the PDCA by email or in person.

Jamie Oliver
PDCA President

One thought on “Pictures of people on”

  1. Hi Jamie, At school there were often families who didn’t want publication and if photos were being taken I’d give the children different coloured caps or scarves so it was east to avoid including them in the shots. We are home from our trip and hope to be up in a few weeks I can collect that picture. I’ll bring some ‘Broms’ for you as well.

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