Community Neighbourhood Watch meeting this Saturday

In the last month we have had an attempted break-in at the Inn, illegal squatting in one of the residential properties, vandalism at Little Crystal Creek picnic area and repeated episodes of cars hooning and speeding in the vicinity of the Village. This sudden increase in illegal and antisocial activity is a major concern. While the police have been notified of these occurrences, it would be useful for members of the Community to get together and discuss how we can ensure there is increased vigilance and early warnings of any potential incidents around the village as well as prompted and detailed reporting as soon of any actual incident.

I suggest that we hold a Community Neighbourhood Watch meeting this Saturday at 1 pm in the Community Hall so that we can review what is happened and what actions we, as a community, could take in order to reduce the risks and increase overall security and peace of mind in the Village.

The PDCA executive group will also be meeting earlier in the morning and will discuss this issue (as well as other matters) and will provide some thoughts on how the PDCA, local government and local police might be able to help with this spate of unfortunate incidents.

Jamie Oliver

2 thoughts on “Community Neighbourhood Watch meeting this Saturday”

  1. Hi Everyone,

    Has the idea of CCTV in the Community Hall been considered? Kind regards Cam

  2. My wife and I would like to participate in the meeting on Saturday afternoon.

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