The canny Rooster is still on the run on the Paluma Range Road. My latest siting was last evening (Sunday 5 March) at culvert 147 just above The Saddle. There he was perched high atop a boulder overlooking the road. He did look a bit worse for wear and somewhat bedraggled after the heavy rain during the afternoon.
Many have tried and failed to trap, net or snare this elusive fellow without success. Some have gotten close, but the feisty fowl has so far eluded capture. The intent is to try and capture him and relocate him to a better life – on a farm or in a nice hen house where he can live out his best life. It must be lonely for a solitary renegade rooster on the Range Road.

Text & Photos by Michele Bird.
Graham and I love seeing him on our drives. He is looking a little worse for wear!