Come rain, hail or shine, nothing stops a working bee at Paluma.
A very successful working bee was held last Saturday (4 March) to carry out some much needed maintenance and clean up work round the village. The planned track repair works along the Rainforest Walking Track was postponed for the time being due to the wet weather, but there were plenty of other jobs to complete. The targeted works included installation of new signage at Whalley Crescent and the H-Track, pruning of vegetation along the road verge at the western end of the village and removal of wattle clippings near the tennis courts.
The seven very keen volunteers were: – Wilfred, Ian, Julie, Rob, Annesheke, John and Michele. The crew worked through the persistent and sometimes heavy showers of rain and nothing could dampen the enthusiasm for the jobs at hand. Well done to all those who came along to lend a hand.

On a walk around the village you might also have noticed some new signage at the western end of Lennox Crescent to alert visitors to the H-Track and Len Cook Ceramics.

A recent clean-up of vegetation encroaching over the signage at the entrance to the village has also been undertaken, this volunteer work by Jamie. Some new signage to welcome visitors to Paluma is planned for this area in the future. Stay tuned…

Text & Photos by Michele Bird & Roy
Looks like a busy and fun day, Roy you look very handsome.
An unrestrained dog on the roadside at Paluma. Now that’s a common event. Wish dog owners cared more for their animals and the relevant legislation.
Hi Sarah. Thanks so much for your kind comments on my post and your acknowledgement of the great volunteer work carried out by Paluma residents. We hope to see you chipping in at the next working bee and I’m sure we would all benefit from your positive energy and expertise. Have a great day mate.
Well done! I vote Roy as the pin up boy for Paluma. What a handsome lad.
Handsome indeed!
I think the lovely dog had the best time. Well done all