Leonard the Lizard (and friends?)

The latest news on ‘Leonard the Lizard’ from Lennox Crescent……

Len Cook has provided a new photograph of Leonard the Lizard, aka the Lace Monitor as it continues to frequent and forage in the gardens at the western end of Lennox Crescent.

Our post last week (02/12/19) prompted several other residents to respond with reports on Leonard’s whereabouts and activities, with some reports suggesting Leonard might have some Lace Monitor friends about the place!

Jamie Oliver notes that Leonard makes a regular appearance at his place (next door to Len Cook) and has made the garden and driveway its home. Lynda Radbone reports that she has seen a Lace Monitor at least three times over the past few weeks in Colwyn Campbell’s garden (watch out Flossy!!). Lynda thinks that this Lace Monitor might be a different individual to the one frequenting Lennox Crescent, as it is appears smaller and with more distinct markings. Lynda has also seen Lace Monitors at her place (last year) at the western end of the village. Lynda said that she regularly watched her Lace Monitor snacking on skinks in the back garden.

Are there any other sightings of Lace Monitors at Paluma? Let us know!

Text by Michele Bird & Photo by Len Cook.

Editors note: (May 1, 2020)
Recent correspondence from a herpetologist at James Cook University indicates that Leonard is in fact a different species (Varanus panoptes – Yellow-spotted Monitor)