What’s Flowering in Paluma? Iris tectorum

What’s Flowering at Paluma in July?  Roof Iris (Iris tectorum)

This species of clumping iris is known as Iris tectorum. It is a perennial plant native to China and Burma. It is called the Roof Iris because in Japan it is grown on the ridges of the roofs of thatched houses. The plants grow from a thick rhizome which forms spreading clumps. These plants thrive in Paluma as they prefer dry and cold winters, with warm and wet summers. The plants prefer partial shade as opposed to full sun. The remarkable flowers range in colour from lavender-blue to bluish-violet shades.

The leaves are light-green in colour and sword-shaped. The flowers attract bees and other insects which are important for pollination. Iris plants flower between June and August and after flowering they produce an ellipsoid seed capsule with black-brown seeds.

As you walk through the village of Paluma during the winter months, keep an eye out for some spectacular iris flowers, especially in the gardens along Mount Spec Road.

Text and photos by Michele Bird