Another Flowering Camellia……

In response to last weeks post regarding flowering Camellia’s at Paluma (see Post from 3 July 2019), Glenda and Nick at Mount Spec Road have shared a photograph of their Camellia now flowering in their award-winning garden.

The deep pink ruffled flower is large for the size of the young plant. We originally featured this flower in a previous post in June 2018. The young Camellia shrub is still thriving and this winter has produced multiple blooms measuring some 15 cm x 15 cm. The large flowers appear incongruous with the size of this plant.

Do you have a flowering Camellia or other special plant in your Paluma garden that you would like to share with other gardeners? If so, please email a photograph to

What’s Flowering at Paluma – Camellias

Many gardens at Paluma have a Camellia or two, and this time of the year they burst into flower with the blooms lasting for many weeks, often until spring. During a walk through the village you will notice a variety of Camellias amongst the village gardens, with blooms of many shades and flower shapes. Two gardens at 27 and 29 Lennox Crescent have many well-established Camellia trees with some remarkable blooms in all shades of pink, white and red. Some of the flowers are shown below.

Camellias are hardy, easy to grow plants which are native to eastern and southern Asia. There are several hundred species of Camellias and up to 3,000 hybrids. They are rewarding plants to grow, especially at Paluma where they thrive in the cool mountain air and the acidic soils.

What’s Flowering In Paluma – Tibouchina ‘Chameleon’

Paluma’s ‘Purple Haze’ – Tibouchina ‘Chameleon’

This website features numerous photographs of the many varieties of flowering Tibouchina’s which thrive in the cool mountain climate at Paluma. Most gardens have at least one of these beautiful plants which burst into bloom a couple of times a year, usually in the warmer months.

The ‘Chameleon’ variety is at its flowering best at present and there is a spectacular specimen catching everyone’s eye at No. 16 Mount Spec Road.  The large shrub is a blaze of colour with hundreds of flowers and many buds still to open, ensuring a long flowering period of  two weeks or more. Many locals and visitors have stopped to admire and photograph this flowering gem over the past week. You just can’t miss it, as it can be seen from a considerable distance along Mount Spec Road.

Tibouchina ‘Chameleon’ is so-named because the flowers change colour as they mature. The flowers open as pure white and then ‘ripen’ to varying shades of purple, mauve and pink. The effect is that the plant will have a mix of flower shades at the one time- an amazing ‘Purple Haze’.

Other flowering Tibouchina’s are located at No. 40 and No. 52 Mount Spec Road. Take a walk through the misty village of Paluma and check out the ‘Purple Haze’. When Jimi Hendrix penned his famous song, he was surely inspired by a Tibouchina Chameleon!

Text & Photos by Michele Bird

What’s Flowering In Paluma, Late October – Tree Waratah and Snow In Summer

Flowering Trees – Tree Waratah and Snow In Summer

Paluma gardens never cease to surprise and delight with the variety of spectacular blooms to be found here. In the garden of No. 15 Mount Spec Road, the brilliant red flowers of a Tree Waratah flame in the crown of this tall, slender tree. Higher than the house roof, the flowers can be easily missed unless you are scanning the tree-tops for birds.

Native to the North Queensland rainforest, the Tree Waratah and its natural habitat on the Atherton Tableland, have largely disappeared there due to clearing for grazing and agriculture. The tree is known for its beautiful pink timber.

Formerly known as Oreocallis wickhamii, it has undergone a name change and is now classified as genus Alloxylon in reference to its unique timber. There are two species within the Queensland tropical rainforest – Alloxylon flamelleum, (which I suspect is the species flowering in the Paluma garden), and Alloxylon wickhamii. The common names for these trees are Queensland Waratah, Pink Silky Oak and Red Silky Oak for A. flamelleum and Tree Waratah, Satin Silky Oak and Pink Silky Oak for A. wickhamii. All very confusing to a non-botanist: so much easier to identify it as ‘Tree Waratah’.

Take a short walk from Mount Spec Road along Lennox Crescent to the Townsville City Council Water Depot. Look up the driveway to see, rising behind the buildings and tower, a magnificent Melaleuca tree, its crown completely covered in dense white bloom. It gives the impression of being heavily snow-laden. This tree is Melaleuca linariifolia and not surprisingly, one of its common names is ‘Snow in Summer’.

This small evergreen tree grows to a height of 6m to 10m. It is from the myrtle family and is endemic to New South Wales and Queensland. This particular specimen was planted in the early 1990’s (in 1993 or 1994) by long-time Paluma resident Kelly Davis. The trunk of this tree has thick sheets of papery bark.  The flowers are a major attractant for bees, butterflies and birds.Unfortunately, the spectacular display of the ‘Snow in Summer’ will not last long; already some of the blooms are browning in the tropical heat.

Text by Colwyn Campbell & Photos by Michele Bird

What’s Flowering In Paluma – Dendrobium Orchid

Dendrobium Species (King Orchid or Oak Orchid)

There is a spectacular orchid blooming at Paluma at present and it can be seen clinging to trees in many village gardens and high up in the canopy in rainforest trees surrounding the village. Most locals refer to it by a common name, the King Orchid. This beautiful orchid has thick green leathery leaves and showy flowers which are produced in long racemes on long stems. Each stem can have over 100 small flowers which range in colour from white to creamy yellow. The flowers have a sweet fragrance and usually appear from September to October.

As amateur botanists we have tried in vain to identify this orchid to species level. We suggest that it might be a variety of Dendrobium speciosum which grows over a vast area of Australia from Gippsland in Victoria to Cooktown in North Queensland. Dendrobium speciosum is described as a very variable orchid, forming a species complex. It can be found across a range of habitats in eastern Australia including rainforest and open forest, from sea level to mountain tops.


On the other hand, this orchid might well be Dendrobium jonesii. This species has a remarkably similar flower to D. speciosum and although it can grow at sea level, it tends to occur most commonly in upland rainforest in the moist mountain ranges. It is described as being locally abundant in tropical Queensland from Mount Elliot near Townsville to Cape York Peninsula.

If anyone can enlighten us as to the species of this beautiful Paluma orchid we would welcome your feedback.

Whatever the species, it is a special orchid and very worthy of our admiration wherever it grows – in local gardens or high in the rainforest canopy. The flowers tend to be short-lived only lasting a week or so. Make sure you check out this orchid before flowering ends, otherwise you will have to wait until next year!

Text & Photos by Michele Bird & Colwyn Campbell. 



What’s Flowering In Paluma – Hippeastrum (Amaryllis)

Hippeastrum (Amaryllis family)

A previous post by Colwyn Campbell (27 September) highlighted the commencement of the annual blooming of hippeastrum lilies in many gardens throughout the village. Two weeks on and the hippeastrums are at their very best, bursting into flower in almost every garden. Whether you have one bulb or mass plantings, these beautiful bulbs never disappoint the home gardener.

Hippeastrums belong to the Amaryllis family. They belong to a genus of some 90 species and over 600 hybrids. They are perennial bulbs. The bulbs are usually large and fleshy, producing tall, broad leaves. The large trumpet-shaped flowers come in a vast array of colours, evident in the gardens at Paluma. Hippeastrums are easy to grow. They love warm weather, sunshine or good filtered light.

Just some of the amazing flowers from local gardens are shown in the photos below. Here are our Happy Hippeastrums!





 Text & Photos by Michele Bird




What’s Flowering In Paluma – Late September

Hippeastrums are at present bursting into bloom, their large brilliant red flowers, three or four on one stem, are impossible to overlook. In the garden at 70 Mount Spec Road, these large red lilies, planted in a dedicated bed along the front of the house, are already in full bloom giving a fire-like blaze of colour. The hippeastrums in this garden and several others on the southern side of the road, always begin their flowering earlier than in most other gardens. It is possibly because the sunlight touches these gardens earlier in the day than on the northern side of the road, which remains in shade for a good part of the morning.

Bright red hippeastrums in full bloom

We will be blessed with the sight of these colourful plants for some weeks and we can look forward to another mass of red in a dedicated bed along the front of 77 Mount Spec Road. Here there are more than 40 plants at present with swelling buds about to burst open.

A Mount Spec Leptospermum is flowering profusely in the rural garden of Les and Lynn Hyland. The tree is slender-limbed with small closely placed leaves. The flowers are small and delicate: only 1.5 to 2 cm across and have white, almost circular petals around a green calyx. At present the tree is swarming with bees. I can find no information about this tree. It is thought to be native to a fairly restricted habitat at high altitude. The best guess I can make is that it may be  Leptospermum wooroonoonan (mountain tea tree)? Can anyone enlighten me here?

Flowering Leptospermum

The loud buzzing of bees alerts one to the many bottlebrush trees and shrubs (Callistemon sp.) currently flowering in gardens at Paluma. One large tree with a dense covering of pink flowers has seen daily activity from daylight to dusk with scores of honey-eaters of several species feeding in the blossoms. Rainbow lorikeets snip off the blooms and leave a carpet of pink bottle-brushes beneath the tree. Bees incessantly work the flowers and many butterflies hover around. This tree appears to be a hybrid/cultivar.

Pink flowering bottle-brush

As the flowers of the pink bottlebrush die off, other Callistemons are opening up, with cream or, more spectacularly, red brushes. Little scarlet honey-eaters dart among the branches, difficult to discern from the scarlet of the flowers. Lorikeets and other parrots feast here too, leaving carpets of nipped-off bottlebrushes. It seems wasteful, but is a form of natural pruning.

The beautiful Ivory Curl flower, Buckinghamia celsissima, is again coming into bloom. A splendid specimen grows at the corner of Lennox Crescent and Mount Spec Road.

Text & Photos by Colwyn Campbell

What’s Flowering In Paluma – Paperbark or Tea Tree

Paperbark/Tea Tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia)

There is currently a rather spectacular Paperbark or Tea Tree in full bloom at Paluma on the roadside along Mt Spec Road. The tree is located in front of the residence at 50 Mt Spec Road, opposite the Paluma Environmental Education Centre. It’s hard to miss this tree, because if you don’t immediately see and smell the sweet, honey-laden flowers, you can literally hear the air buzzing with thousands of bees – both native and European bees.

This tree is likely to be a Melaleuca quinquenervia, commonly known as the broad-leaved paperbark. This specimen is a sturdy, multi-trunked tree with masses of creamy-yellowish bottlebrush-like flowers. This species of paperbark is native to Eastern Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia. It often grows in damp areas, on the margins of swamps, on floodplains and near watercourses. This specimen is thriving on the mountain top at Paluma!

Not only is this tree a magnet for bees at the moment, it also provides a source of nectar for many honeyeaters. In less than 15 minutes of bird watching at this tree, I observed numerous birds visiting for a feed – Macleay’s Honeyeater, Dusky Honeyeater, White-throated Honeyeater, Eastern Spinebill and Lewin’s Honeyeater.

Make sure you stop on your next walk through the village to check out this superb tree. It’s a ‘hive’ of activity!

Text & Photos by Michele Bird







What’s Flowering In Paluma – Clivia or Kaffir Lily

Clivia or Kaffir Lily (Clivia miniata)

This is an addendum to a previous post on Clivia’s which featured the orange flowering variety (previous post dated 30 July 2018).

Since the beginning of spring, clivia plants at Paluma have been blooming and one garden in particular has some superb flowering plants.

Bill and Linda Venn’s impressive garden at the ‘Paluma Rainforest Cottage’ at no. 31 Mt Spec Road features some spectacular clivia’s. In addition to the orange form, there is a beautiful yellow variety with a multitude of blooms. Also keep an eye out for the variety of hippeastrums and other spring flowering plants in this special garden.





What’s Flowering in Paluma – May Bush

May Bush (Spiraea cantoniensis)

Well, spring is here and there are many plants coming into bloom in Paluma gardens, despite the prolonged dry spell over past weeks. September is always an inspiring time for gardeners at Paluma.

One of the most spectacular flowering shrubs at this time of year is the May bush. It tends to be a rambling shrub with arching branches forming a rounded-shaped shrub. The shrub tends to go unnoticed until it bursts into flower in the spring. Clusters of intricate snow-white double flowers cover the entire shrub, forming a spectacular display. When in full bloom the plants are a great attractant for native bees.


The common name ‘May bush’ is somewhat misleading because it flowers in September and October in the southern hemisphere. The species name ‘cantoniensis’ refers to this plant’s origins in South Eastern China and in the northern hemisphere it flowers in May.

The May bush is easy to grow and thrives in the cool mountain climate at Paluma. Many gardens along Mt Spec Road currently have May bushes in full bloom. Keep an eye out for these spectacular shrubs on your next walk through the village.