1. A proposal for refurbishment of signs in and around the village including the village entrance, is being put together.
2. Security – After the community meeting which followed the PDCA meeting, actions are being taken to officially register our community with Neighbourhood Watch through our local police station. Our local security issues will be raised at a meeting in August with our local council representative, Margie Ryder. We encourage everyone to register on our Paluma WhatsApp group set up solely for security purposes.
3. Events Calendar: This is regularly updated on the website. Please keep a lookout for any changes and community notices. A new occasional social event will begin soon. It is an end of week “Friday Chill” gathering where the bar at the hall will be open from 5 – 7pm to kick back, catch up and generally chill out with your mountain mates. Do keep an eye on community posts on the website for the inaugural evening. We have to note here our social event organisers are simply excellent at generating community spirit and we thank them for their extra time and effort for our benefit.
4. A Community Meeting is being organised with Margie Ryder with an August date to be confirmed: Issues to be raised and discussed include: signage; animal control and hygiene; community security; vegetation control and road maintenance. All will be welcome to attend.
5. The Hall Bar management has officially been handed over to the capable Lynda Radbone from our iconic Irishman, Les Hyland. Les’s many years of reliable service and cheerful management of the Hall bar was noted and we appreciate his generosity of spirit and time in ensuring the takings were profitable. Thank you Les and we look forward to seeing you enjoying your 92nd birthday celebrations coming up SOON!!!
6. The Paluma History Display – Lyn and Les Hyland are stepping away from involvement in the History display. Lyn’s contributions and efforts to ensure an effective, interesting and valuable documentation of Paluma’s heritage is very much appreciated. Her input and efforts will be very much missed. Anneshka Brown will be calling for volunteers to help support our history display which will be changing from a Tuesday to a Wednesday.
If any of the above raises questions or you would like to know more information, please don’t hesitate to contact any of your PDCA committee members.
Did you know, five years ago on June 23rd, Paluma’s water treatment plant was opened by Margie Ryder and the community was invited to tour the facility?

It was your PDCA which played a key role in getting the Townsville City Council to install the facility. This became a necessity after a series of momentary shutdowns, monthly testing for giardia and finally many months of water not being fit for drinking.
Text and Photos by Juanita Poletto