Do you use the Bruce Highway through Yabulu (north of Townsville) at night?
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is seeking feedback from people who regularly travel the Bruce Highway through Yabulu at night, about upcoming temporary highway closures.
The feedback will be used to inform when these closures occur, so as to have the least impact on motorists. We will provide two weeks notice once the closure dates have been determined, so that road users can plan their journeys accordingly.
Further information about the closures and how you can have your say, is outlined in the attached flyer.
We encourage you to circulate this notice to others who regularly travel this section of the highway at night.
Feedback should be directed to TMR’s Customer and Stakeholder Management team by telephone on 1800 625 648, or by email at no later than close of business Friday 3 August 2018. Thank you for your assistance.
Kind regards,
Customer and Stakeholder Management Team
North Queensland Region
Customer and Stakeholder Management Team
North Queensland Region
Program Delivery and Operations Branch | Infrastructure Management and Delivery Division | Department of Transport and Main Roads
Floor 5 | Townsville Government Office Building | 445 Flinders Street | Townsville Qld 4810
PO Box 1089 | Townsville Qld 4810
1800 625 648
Flyer_Seeking feedback_Bruce Highway closure_yabulu