This Monday (May 28th) the Member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto, spent the morning visiting Paluma and talking to PDCA members, and other business owners and residents. Nick was shown the new Community Hall extensions (now more the 50% complete) and was briefed on a number of Paluma initiatives including the 100 km network of volunteer-established walking tracks and key events hosted in Paluma such as the Bush Dance and Paluma Push. He also listened to our concerns about road safety and maintenance and the possible re-introduction of motorized boats on Paluma Dam as well as our interest in promoting increased visitor numbers in the village.

During further wide-ranging discussions over coffee at the Rainforest Inn, Nick indicated a strong desire to support Paluma in its plans and aspirations for enhancing our village for both residents and visitors. We anticipate taking up Nick’s offer of support in the coming months. Afterwards Nick visited Paluma Dam with Jamie Oliver, Lyn Hyland and Les Hyland.