When: Saturday 26 January, From 1 PM onwards. BBQ Dinner at 6 PM.
Where: Outer Limits Centre, Mt Spec Road
BYO Drinks & BBQ
FREE High Ropes, Climbing & Games
Dress Code: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie

When: Saturday 26 January, From 1 PM onwards. BBQ Dinner at 6 PM.
Where: Outer Limits Centre, Mt Spec Road
BYO Drinks & BBQ
FREE High Ropes, Climbing & Games
Dress Code: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie
One of Paluma’s most popular and well-loved residents, Don Battersby will celebrate his 69th birthday this week. To mark the occasion, Colwyn Campbell hosted a birthday party for Don on Saturday night (19th January) at her residence. The house and verandas were bursting at the seams with the event well-attended by many of Don’s long-time friends and his Paluma family. As usual, there was food aplenty with an array of Indian-inspired dishes and other cuisine, as well as a tropical passionfruit birthday cake. There was good food, great company, many laughs and the usual warm community spirit that exists uniquely in our village of Paluma.
Happy Birthday Don from all your friends and family at Paluma!
Last Saturday night (8 December) the annual Tropical Xmas BBQ was held at the Community Hall to close out the Paluma Social calendar for 2018. Up to 20 residents attended the event, with a few people coming and going over the course of the evening.
A sumptuous feast consisting of BBQ meats and an array of salads and sweets was enjoyed by all. The ‘BBQ-er’ for the evening was Ross Hyne, closely supervised by ‘Mr. BBQ’ himself, Don Battersby. As usual, the Bar and Beverages were expertly dispensed by Les Hyland.
The ‘dish of the night’ was awarded to Jennie Robinson for her very special and unique recipe for ‘sweet but salty’ berry dessert cake! The encouragement award goes to Jim for his very special ‘do-it-yourself cucumber and egg salad’.
It was great to see many people embracing the ‘Tropical’ theme with their colourful shirts and other attire. We were lucky enough to have two of Santa’s Elves attend as well (Ross & Sonya).
As with all Paluma Social Events, many of us ate too much food, drank a little too much wine and laughed a lot! A happy and fun-filled Paluma time was enjoyed by all. Merry Xmas!
Some of the community arrived a bit late for the 10.30 am start time last Saturday 1st December, but all up there were at least 17 residents in attendance to celebrate the provision of a tower giving Telstra mobile coverage over quite an extensive area in and around Paluma.
Rachel and Joanne from Telstra came up from Townsville and were welcomed by PDCA President Jamie Oliver who acknowledged the great benefits from the installation, not only in the township, but as far as the Dam turnoff and quite a way down the Range Road. There is also reception on some of the walking tracks which has an obvious safety benefit – hopefully rarely needed. Lynn Hyland also spoke of the benefit to the PRFB and the SES who have on occasions found that their technology was useless in Paluma due to lack of mobile connection. Rachel replied mentioning that she had not fully realised the extent to which the tower would benefit the area. Participants were presented with a complimentary gift bag from Telstra containing a power pack – a very useful gift !
A scrumptious morning tea was provided by the Rainforest Inn and it was after 12.00 hrs that the group finally dispersed.
Article by Les Hyland
Paluma residents and visitors are advised that there will be heavy vehicles using the Range Road in the week beginning 26 November.
The heavy vehicles will include gravel trucks, concrete trucks and other large transport vehicles. The vehicles will be travelling to Gumburu to carry out work on extending the bus turnaround area.
Heavy vehicles are most likely to be encountered in the early morning.
Please drive carefully and be alert for these large vehicles on the road this week.
Telstra (Regional Australia, North Qld) and the Paluma & District Community Association (PDCA) invites all Paluma residents to attend a Morning Tea to celebrate the launch of the new Paluma Mobile Telephone Tower.
When: Saturday 1st December 2018, 10.30 AM
Where: Rainforest Inn, Paluma
Morning Tea will be provided courtesy of Telstra.
The PDCA encourages the attendance of Paluma residents, so please pass the word about this upcoming event!
On a sunny Friday 19th October, the judging of the 2018 Bunnings Paluma Garden Competition took place. Lynn Hyland accompanied the judges around the acreage blocks, whilst Jamie Oliver escorted the judges around the village gardens. Natalie Pace and her mother Denise, both past judges for the Townsville Garden Competition were our 2018 judges. Natalie held an Open Garden in September at her Rollingstone property and attracted 350 visitors. There really are many keen gardeners in Townsville. She is encouraging us to consider having an Open Garden event in Paluma next year. Well Paluma gardeners what do you think about this?
The Garden Competition winners were announced at our PDCA Social on Saturday 3rd November. They are:-
1. Best Business Garden Winner is Gumburu
2. Best Acreage Garden Winner is Don Battersby
3. Best Residential Village Garden Winner is Nick and Glenda Van Rynswoud. The Alison Evans Memorial Trophy was also awarded to Nick and Glenda Van Rynswoud.
4. Highly Commended Residential Village Garden Winner is Peter and Dorothy Klump
5. An Individual Plant, Garden Bed, Herb Garden or Vegetable Patch, Outdoor Space, etc Winner is Michele Bird
Paluma is blessed with a cooler climate than the coast and hence we are able to successfully grow many plants that aren’t seen in Townsville gardens. During the judging, some of the plants that were in full bloom were the spirea, hippeastrums, New Guinea impatiens, daylilies and orchids to name just a few. Do check out ‘What’s Flowering In Paluma’ on the website to keep abreast of the latest showpieces in Paluma gardens.
Article by Lynn Hyland with Photos by Michele Bird & Colwyn Campbell
On Sunday 11 November at 11 am a small group of Paluma residents and visitors congregated at the Community Hall to acknowledge Armistice Day and the 100 year anniversary of the end of World War 1.
The commemoration included an audio rendition of The Last Post and a minute of silence, followed by a short anecdote from Les Hyland.
Many thanks to Len Cook for raising the flag on the day and to Lynda Radbone for her technical assistance. Len also provided the morning tea!
It is with sadness that we report the death of David Georgee, who passed away on 8th November 2018.
David’s connection with Paluma spanned more than seven decades. He described some of his fond memories of our little village in the clouds in his book, ‘Townsville As It Was’. As a young boy, he used to come to Paluma with his family for holidays, staying at the Main Roads Tents. These were tents surrounded by stone walls, left over after the Main Roads Commission had completed construction of the Range Road. The tents were then used for holiday accommodation. The rock walls were later used to become the Mist Haven holiday units.
In later years David purchased the property at 16 Smith Crescent. In his book he describes how the waterfall in Benham’s Creek opposite their house, was used as the shower for the children. The girls’ showers were at 4 pm while the boys’ turn was 5 pm. Because the water was warmer earlier in the afternoon, the girls could enjoy their shower.
David’s talent as a piano player had him perform at many weddings, dances and social functions, including our own Paluma Music Festivals. Don Battersby remembers David providing the musical entertainment at one of his birthday parties a few years ago; probably the last time David performed in Paluma.
Our sincere condolences go to David’s family on his passing.
By Wilfred Karnoll