At 1pm this Sunday, there will be an official dedication of the Hylands’ Rainforest Walk by Deputy Mayor Paul Jacobs.
All community members and visitors are welcome to attend. The walk is located opposite the rotunda at the community hall. Please be aware of traffic and stay well off the road.
Come and say ‘Hi’ to Les and Lynn Hyland, who have put so much time and effort into our community for more than 35 years.
Photos provided by Lynn and Les showing their active participation in community events and membership of the Rural Fire Brigade.
Text: J. Poletto Images: J. Poletto unless otherwise stated
Our monthly Social Drinks evening is THIS coming Friday, October 4th at the Community Hall. The bar opens at 6pm. Come and mingle and catch up on the latest. Locals and visitors alike are all welcome. Bring a plate of nibbles to share.
Also, don’t forget there is no working bee this Saturday but if you’re available 8am Sunday morning, meet Wilfred at the hall to help set up for the Sunday Spring Markets. Many hands make light work.
The final market of the year, the Paluma Spring Markets, is fast approaching and will be held on Sunday October 6th. This is a call-out for Paluma’s Kitchen Rockstars to rumble, roll and rock-out some home made goodies to sell for our community’s (PDCA) fund raising.
Also, there will not be a working bee as usual on Saturday 5th BUT, Wilfred would greatly appreciate a hand in getting the hall and bbq set up and ready for the markets on Sunday. Please be at the hall by 8am, Sunday 6th.
If you are interested in doing some baking and donating your goods for sale at the Paluma Spring Market then please read on…..
Here’s what to do:-
Please divide your baked goods into small batches for sale. We suggest batches of 2, 4 or 6 individual pieces as this has worked well at previous markets.
Please add a sticker or other suitable label outlining the contents of your baked goods. You will need to add this label to EVERY individual batch of goods. This is required for health & safety reasons. (If you get your the name of your item and list of ingredients to Anneshka, she will print them on sticky labels for you! But please, don’t leave this to the last minute).
Please plate the goods (in batches) and secure with glad wrap or suitable packaging. (We have previously used paper plates and glad wrap and this works well).
Please add a price sticker to your goods, with what you think is a fair and reasonable price for your baked delights. We can provide price stickers if needed.
Please deliver your goods to the Community Hall on Sunday morning 6th October at 8.30 AM (for a 9 am market start).
Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact Wilfred Karnoll by email: or phone 0447822626
Previous cake stalls have been a roaring success. Any and all contributions are very much appreciated.
So many beautiful blooms are all around our village at the moment. From the colour and variety in the carefully tended gardens to the surprise orchid finds in the forest. Such a season of colour and spectacle in this little village.
A little addendum to the previous post: “Paluma…NQ’s Blue Zone’. After a couple of conversations, I was made aware I had wrongly assumed that all readers of the post would know what a ‘Blue Zone’ is and why one could consider Paluma had the potential to meet some of the criteria of a ‘Blue Zone’. The phrase ‘Blue Zone’ was introduced by Michel Poulain, Dan Buettner and Giovanni Mario Pes when investigating people around the world living longer and better. They developed BLUE ZONES as a brand and certification mark and with a team of medical researchers, anthropologists, demographers, and epidemiologists found nine evidence-based common elements across those geographic areas that had these thriving centenarians.
And if you’re wondering, no, Australia does not have any BLUE ZONES however, Paluma has the potential for its residents to engage several of the common elements. If you’re interested to know more you can click on this link, BLUE ZONES.
The Paluma PDCA offers a range of opportunities to feel part of a community whilst contributing to its and your own health. We realise it isn’t easy when there are so many demands on your time and many of us value Paluma as our respite, not a workplace. However, if and whenever you’re able, supporting the working bees, the History Project, social events, markets and other significant village events allows your PDCA to care for our village and it’s assets, as well as raise funds to help with this. Any time and skills you can donate is valued and much appreciated and we’re sure you’ll feel good too as you’ve helped top up the community kitty.
Photo by Jamie Oliver.
‘How do these funds get used?’ you may ask. All spending is approved first through the PDCA executive committee. There are ongoing costs such as payment of hall maintenance bills, power bills, payment for the hosting of this website, hall landscaping and renewable supplies required for cleaning, the bar and catering. Recent spending this year saw the installation of new 40km signs throughout the village, updating of items in the First aid kit in the hall, the new gravel installed in the parking area out front of the hall, new entryway mats for the hall and even a fire pit for use at community social events. So as you can see, your PDCA funds work for you, the village resident.
Photos by Jill Meads.
Our next PDCA event is the Spring Markets in October which will be on Sunday 6th. Immediately following the markets, at 1pm, there will be a dedication ceremony for the naming of the Hylands’ Rainforest Walk. Our local councillor, and Deputy Mayor of Townsville, Paul Jacobs, will be there. Please feel free to come along to this village event.
This is an early heads up also for our Paluma Kitchen Rockstars – old and new – for baked goods, preserves, etc as well Volunteers for the sausage sizzle and PDCA stall holders for the Spring Markets. Let Wilfred, Anneshka or myself know if you’re available. There will be another post that will provide details regarding the bake stall. If you’re wishing to have your own table/stall at the October markets, don’t forget you can contact Wilfred on 0447822626.
Text: J. Poletto Images: J. Poletto unless otherwise stated.
Our Master of Games, Peter Klumpp has declared the Paluma Mini Olympic Games Night held on Saturday August 17th at the Community Hall a rousing success. In Peter’s words, “There was much fun and laughter!” A live auction was held at the start of the night for one of Paluma’s prime athletes, Mark, to be a games partner for the night. This alone raised $110! Wife of said ‘prime athlete’ set the reserve at 5cents, so well done to all who attended to get that final price result!
Everyone enjoyed competing in the games of Table Tennis, Foosball-table soccer, Badminton, Axe Throwing, Indoor Bowls, Indoor Golf, Quoits, Cornball, Skittles, Darts and even Knock-em downs. There were 16 teams plus children playing as well as spectators, around 50 people all up. Noise and laughter could be heard throughout the village.
Much merriment and technical prowess was aided by Lynda’s infamous mulled wine and other offerings at the bar. The badminton room was a winner, with the younger members of the community having a smashing time. The Viking axe throw was heart-stopping and quite intense with some not able to watch where the axes landed.
At the end of the night it was Sandy Smythe and Stuart Watterson who won the gold cup and chocolates. At the conclusion to the games, many participants sat around the fire-pit enjoying a “quiet drink” and debating their close wins and losses. The sausage sizzle, onions and coleslaw was a success thanks to Mark and Wendy, Lynda and Wilfred.
Kudos to Peter, Dorothy and their dynamic team for another fabulous games night. It was a wonderful way for new residents to experience the friendly and helpful attitude of the locals at Paluma.
Text: Peter Klumpp and J Poletto Images: Peter Klumpp
Don’t forget to come along to our annual Games Night this Saturday August 17th hosted by Peter & Dorothy Klumpp.
Peter has been at work planning out the evening and he will be introducing some new games as well as a secret new pre-games event that should add some fun and a twist to the games. Come along and join us for a meal and a raucous night that will test your skills and coordination.
Our Master of Games, Peter Klump has announced the next Paluma Games Night starting at 6pm on Saturday August 17th at the Community Hall.
The evening will start with a sausage sizzle dinner ($3.00) at 6:00 pm with the bar also open for the purchase of drinks and Linda’s famous mulled wine. By 7:oo pm, the teams of two will have been announced and the various games will commence. These will include darts, indoor bowls, ping pong, and soccer pinball to name a few.
Previous years have proved a great success with lots of friendly participation mixed with bouts of enthusiastic competition. There are probably a few residents looking to topple the previous winners in some categories so the spirits will be high. Hope to see you there!
The ‘Back Up’ crew arriving at Check point 1, Paluma Dam
The annual Paluma Push in the bush is over for 2024 and was a really successful event for all involved. Sam and Aline’s crew and the local volunteers ensured as smooth a run as possible for all participants. Members from our community who manned checkpoints along the various routes enjoyed one of Paluma’s perfect blue sky winter days. Some of volunteers saw quite a bit of action whilst others simply pointed the way. All were acknowledged and appreciated by many of the entrants as they passed by.
These ‘tykes on bikes’ were keen to get pedalling. Great to see the older ones as support at the back of the mob.
These 70km entrants were all smiles as they came through Check point 1.
It seems it was a more health conscious group this year as Wilfred says the PDCA Bar at Hidden Valley didn’t sell as much as usual. Regardless, the approximate profit for the fabulous efforts of the PDCA volunteers was around $2000. The PDCA is VERY grateful to those who made the time to enjoy the atmosphere which is always fantastic down at the finish line and who put time into service through helping out at the bar. The ‘heavy lifters’ involved in the set up and pack up of the bar are especially deserving of our gratitude.
The Legend who rode this bike in the 42KM was too fast for this photographer to catch in action!
We have some barstock left over for those needing to drown their blues (pardon the pun) after the ‘big game’ between Qld and NSW. We are willing to sell at cost price to our community members. Anyone interested in buying any of these are to contact Wilfred on 0447 822 626. The following sixpacks are available as of the publication of this post:
5 x Jim Beam & cola $23 each
2 x Jack Daniels & cola $29 each
8 x Bundaberg rum & coke $23 each
16 x Coopers pale ale $15
Very proud of this ‘Wise Wizard’ finishing his first 53km in The Paluma Push.
The Paluma Community Winter Sunday Market is fast approaching on Sunday June 23rd. This is a call-out for Paluma’s Kitchen Rockstars to make, shake and bake home made goodies to sell for our community’s (PDCA) fund raising.
If you are interested in doing some baking and donating your goods for sale at the Winter Sunday Market then please read on…..
Here’s what to do:-
Please divide your baked goods into small batches for sale. We suggest batches of 2, 4 or 6 individual pieces as this has worked well at previous markets.
Please add a sticker or other suitable label outlining the contents of your baked goods. You will need to add this label to EVERY individual batch of goods. This is required for health & safety reasons.
Please plate the goods (in batches) and secure with glad wrap or suitable packaging. (We have previously used paper plates and glad wrap and this works well).
Please add a price sticker to your goods, with what you think is a fair and reasonable price for your baked delights. We can provide price stickers if needed.
Please deliver your goods to the Community Hall on Sunday morning 23rd June at 8.30 AM (for a 9 am market start).
Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact Wilfred Karnoll by email: or phone 0447822626
Previous cake stalls have been a roaring success. All contributions are very much appreciated.
Outer Limits Adventure is looking for volunteers for this year’s Paluma Push on July 13th. This is one of Paluma’s signature events and each year the RFS and SES receive substantial donations from Outer Limits in recognition of the assistance provided by Pauma residents. If you are interested in manning a checkpoint or helping out at the start (Paluma) or finish (Hidden Valley) points of the race please register on the Paluma Push website. if you have any further questions contact Sam Stedman