What’s (Still) Blooming at Paluma: More Tropical Rhododendrons

Back in late June I posted photos of the numerous beautiful flowering Vireya’s or Tropical Rhododendrons amongst the village gardens. About 6 weeks on (in early August) and these beautiful plants are as showy as ever. Several gardens have spectacular flowering specimens just now, producing a blaze of brilliant winter colour. I spotted the following beautiful blooms last weekend in gardens at the Rainforest Inn, Gumburu and at the Venn’s on Mt Spec Road.

Unfortunately, I don’t know which Vireya varieties or cultivars these are. But what’s in a name? To quote my beloved Shakespeare, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet”. I think the same applies to these Vireya’s. It doesn’t really matter what each is called, they are still spectacular!

Text & Photos by Michele Bird