What’s Flowering at Paluma – Camellias

Many gardens at Paluma have a Camellia or two, and this time of the year they burst into flower with the blooms lasting for many weeks, often until spring. During a walk through the village you will notice a variety of Camellias amongst the village gardens, with blooms of many shades and flower shapes. Two gardens at 27 and 29 Lennox Crescent have many well-established Camellia trees with some remarkable blooms in all shades of pink, white and red. Some of the flowers are shown below.

Camellias are hardy, easy to grow plants which are native to eastern and southern Asia. There are several hundred species of Camellias and up to 3,000 hybrids. They are rewarding plants to grow, especially at Paluma where they thrive in the cool mountain air and the acidic soils.