Reminder: Community Meeting with Councillor Margie Ryder – Sunday, August 20th

On Sunday, August 20th at 10 am the PDCA is hosting a community meeting with our Townsville City Council representative, Margie Ryder.  This will provide an opportunity for Margie to report on what the Council has been doing and to listen to any concerns that Paluma residents may have relating to council facilities and initiatives.  Items that we will be inviting Margie to comment on include:

  1. Plans for signage at the village entrance, and upgrade of other signs around the village
  2. Dog Poo bag dispensers and other issues on animal control (Cats, noisy dogs)
  3. Community security in the light of multiple recent events in and around the village
  4. Road Maintenance
  5. Vegetation control (weeds)

The meeting is open to all Paluma Residents.  Please come along to have your say.

One thought on “Reminder: Community Meeting with Councillor Margie Ryder – Sunday, August 20th”

  1. Thanks for reminder Juanita.

    Btw A visiting friend recently mentioned meeting a young man “with a chip on his shoulder” at a festival in Townsville who boasted about hooning up Spec Rd with his mates.
    She asked me if that was true as she had not heard about it from me or anyone up here, at that stage.

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