More nocturnal fun with UV torches

A couple of weeks ago, Juanita and I decided to go out for a quick night walk around Lennox Cr. The rain put a bit of a dampener on our plans, so we just walked around the house shining our UV torches. We weren’t expecting to see much wildlife but the visual display just from shining torches on our house walls and doors was still amazing. Here’s a sample that looks like it could be on display in a museum of abstract art …

or a display of images from the Hubble or Webb telescope.

After rounding the corner to the other side of the house, we encountered a house gecko, which would normally not be much to get excited about. But the combination of this lizard’s nearly transparent skin, and the fact that bones fluoresce under UV meant that we were treated to an eerie but fascinating x-ray view.

Never a dull moment in Paluma at night if you have a UV torch!

Text and Photos by Jamie Oliver

6 thoughts on “More nocturnal fun with UV torches”

    1. I bought mine from Ensure that the torch emits at 365nm. Here is the link to the torch I bought. There are links to similar products on the page as well, or search Amazon for “365 nm uv torch”

      I haven’t found any shops that sell 365nm torches in Townsville. You must verify that they are 365 nm since most cheap torches are 395nm and not very useful. If wavelength is not specified then don’t get it.

      1. Jamie and Juanita, you have opened up a whole new world. It is eerie to think that with the aid of these torches you are seeing organisms/life forms that hitherto have not been known or seen. (by humans, anyway). It is so exciting! The photos are magnificent, and as several others have noted, show a world as mysterious and endless as images of the galaxies.

  1. Great photos ! The spider webs look like a new solar system and you can count the ribs on the transparent gecko!

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