Paluma Mountain Market

The 2nd October Paluma Mountain Market was very successful with eleven stallholders including the Paluma Rural Fire Brigade’s Book Stall and the Community Cake Stall. The latter was a sell out and raised some record funding for the PDCA. Many thanks to all who cooked and donated cakes and baked goods and to Charlie Allen who managed the stall most efficiently. We were very thankful for the donated pineapples which sold fast under Jill’s watchful eye and was most enjoyable on the BBQ too. The ‘Coffee Man’ aka Colin was kept busy too.

The Sausage Sizzle did very well with Don Battersby and Lynda Radbone handling the super sausages and Les handling the till. We sold 144 sausages to hungry patrons with the ‘super-size’ version complete with onion, coleslaw and/or pipeapple proving very tasty and very popular.

We were lucky to have had a cool but dry day and it was noticeable how many family groups were present – the playground was kept busy ! Our advertising on the Bruce Highway, Bundock Street and on Bamford Lane was seen by many, plus the wider coverage through Facebook by Jill and advertising at the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival and Market all helped to swell the visitor numbers.

A grand little market for such a small community- well done all.

Text by Les and Lynn Hyland