It was a big weekend at Paluma on 25 and 26 June with the annual Bush Dance on Saturday afternoon and the Community Market on Sunday morning.
The Bush Dance started with a Sausage Sizzle run by the PDCA with Don at the BBQ. During the course of the afternoon we invented a new form of the Sausage Sizzle – the Paluma Special. Complete with Lynda’s delicious coleslaw and Wilfred’s tropical pineapple (cooked on the BBQ), we sold a lot of sausages. Everyone enjoyed the tropical twist on the average snag with some great feedback coming from the hungry patrons.
When everyone was fed, the Wattle n Gum Bush Band warmed up and the dancing was under way. The hall was packed and the dance floor was full all afternoon. The bar did a roaring trade and everyone had a lot of fun. It was a great afternoon of singing, dancing, smiling, laughter and good old-fashioned community spirit.
On Sunday morning we were all back again for the Paluma Market. Don and Jill sizzled some more sausages under the rotunda and the many stalls in the Community Hall reported a brisk trade. Colin was kept busy making cuppa’s and some of the band members from Wattle n Gum returned to the deck to play some tunes. Wilfred’s fresh fruit stall sold loads of pineapples and bananas.
We held our first Paluma Bakers Stall at Sunday’s market and it was a resounding success. And yes, we are going to brag about it!. The original idea was for a small group of us to donate some cakes and other baked goods to sell as fund raising for the PDCA. The Paluma gals went above and beyond with most of the cooks baking two or three lots of goods to sell. We had three full tables of goods on sale and we are pleased to report that we sold the lot!. The funds raised for the PDCA was a clear profit of $312.00. Special thanks to all the ladies for their donations, input and dedication to making the stall such a success. The Paluma kitchen goddesses are Jill, Felicity, Ros, Suzanne, Stella, Lynn and Michele. (Move over Nigella Lawson). Our sincere thanks go to the many local Paluma residents who supported the stall and came along to purchase the goods. We are most grateful for your support! If we have the energy, we think we might do it all over again in October for the next market.
Thank you to all the many community volunteers who worked tirelessly on Saturday and Sunday in various roles and to prepare the Hall and then pack up again. You know who you are and you are most appreciated.
Here’s a few photographs from the big weekend………
Text by Michele Bird & Photos by Michele Bird & Jill Meads.