TMR Range Road Update: Geotechnical Works in May

Good morning Mt Spec residents and stakeholders

Just a quick update to let you know that TMR’s contractors will be continuing geotechnical investigation works at various sites along Mt Spec Road throughout May. These works are being planned around bus movements for the educational camps in Paluma, so you may notice crews working on some days and not others. As with previous works, there will be minimal impacts for light vehicles.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email or phone.

Mt Spec Road geotechnical investigations – May 2022 
Works hours and activities – 7am to 5pm.
Works each day will include site and traffic management setup, unloading and loading of drilling rig, drilling of boreholes to test soil and rock conditions.
What to expect during these works – Traffic controllers on site, signage and speed restrictions in place. Stop-Go traffic controllers and traffic signals will be used intermittently. Traffic reduced to single lane (one direction at a time). Minor delays of 5-10 minutes – please plan your journey and allow additional travel time.
 Important information for heavy vehicle operators – Access for heavy vehicles (more than 4.5 tonnes) including buses and light trucks may be impacted during these works. Please contact TMR by phone on 1800 625 648 or by email at if you are planning to travel on Mt Spec Road with a heavy vehicle during these works. 

Kelly Stolz, Customer and Stakeholder Management 
Northern District | Department of Transport and Main Roads

Floor 6 | Townsville Government Office Building | 445 Flinders Street | Townsville Qld 4810
PO Box 1089 | Townsville Qld 4810
P: 1800 625 648 | F: (07) 4421 8711