‘Colwyn’s Track’ was sign-posted and opened over the Easter long weekend on Sunday 17 April 2022. This upgraded walking track commences at the western end of Paluma Village taking walkers through to the end of Hussey Road and then on to Ethel Creek Falls. Wilfred and his merry band of track volunteers including Colin, Jamie and others have spent many long hours clearing fallen trees and debris from the once disused track, so that it is now safe and accessible for walkers to enjoy.
The Track was named in honour of Colwyn Campbell, one of Paluma’s long-time residents, an avid track walker, nature lover and artist. The story goes that Colwyn walked the track some time ago, before the final upgrading work was completed. She commented to Wilfred that the track was ‘a bit rough’ and needed some further work. That further work took place, much to Colwyn’s satisfaction and final approval.
The installation of the new sign for ‘Colwyn’s Track’ took place on Saturday 16 April. Wilfred and Colin undertook the hard work under the expert supervision and direction of Jill and Michele. The opening of the Track then took place on Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. Despite the incessant rain all day on Sunday, a sizeable crowd gathered with umbrellas and raincoats at the newly erected sign. Colwyn unveiled the very attractive new signage and cut the ribbon (pink surveyors tape) to ‘officially’ open the new track. The Klumpps kindly hosted celebratory drinks and snacks on their veranda (out of the rain) after the track opening.
Colwyn has asked me to pass on the following message to the Paluma Community:-
“I feel overwhelmed by the generosity and support my wonderful Paluma ‘family’ has given me over the years. And now, I feel especially honoured to have a walking track named for me. I admire the work Wilfred and the team have done and are doing, in opening and maintaining the old timber and tin trails; allowing people a glimpse of this fascinating environment and its history and am thrilled to be associated, vicariously with their hard work. THANK YOU EVERYONE“.
Special thanks to Wilfred for this initiative and the naming of ‘Colwyn’s Track’ in acknowledgement of one of Paluma’s most beloved residents and nature lovers.
Below are photographs of the Saturday (16 April) installation of the new track signage by Wilfred and Colin and the Sunday (17 April) opening ceremony with the community. (My apologies for the somewhat blurry images from Sunday, but it is a bit challenging to take good photographs in the pouring rain).
Text & Photos by Michele Bird