Last Sunday morning (6 March 2022) saw 22 people congregate outside the old Cavilcade Guesthouse, the occasion being a bush walk organised by the Townsville Bush Walking Club under the leadership of Wilfred Karnoll to Platypus Pool and Forgotten Falls. Even at 8 am the temperature was already rising, so after doing the administrative tasks some ten vehicles headed out to Chick’s Road which was the planned end point of the bush walk. Five cars were left at Chick’s Road and the other five transported the walkers to the start point at Clapham Junction, about 4 km along the Paluma Dam Road.

We headed off and about 200 metres in along the track we admired the ‘Grandfather Tree’, a giant Eucalypt some 2 metres in diameter at the base. Unfortunately Cyclone Yasi took off most of its crown, as it was well above the canopy of the surrounding rainforest trees. What is left standing of this majestic tree is still very impressive and it must be of considerable age.
We continued along the old logging road, first through rainforest then into more open sclerophyl forest with casuarinas, turpentines, stringy barks and rose gums the dominant tree species. From the logging road we turned onto a narrow bush track that took us down to Williams Creek and the Platypus Pool, so-named after the little critters that supposedly live in it. Unfortunately we didn’t see any platypus on the day, but perhaps 22 pairs of boots and lots of lively conversation gave them ample warning to go into hiding. It was time for a well earned refreshing swim and an early lunch to recharge weary bodies.

We then continued on to Forgotten Falls, one of the tributaries of Williams Creek. Unfortunately our wet season (what wet season you might ask?) hasn’t replenished the water flow over the big rock face and there was only a trickle at this time. In a good wet season there is a spectacular waterfall at this location. The temperature of the water in the pool at the base of the falls was too warm for even the keenest of dippers, as no refreshment was to be gained from it. The big exposed rock shelf above the falls heats up what little water comes down to make it rather uninviting just now.

After taking some photos, onwards and upwards. A few keen walkers scrambled straight up the rock face, whilst the majority chose the safer track beside the falls. From there it was up a steady rise to the top of the plateau and along an undulating logging track, past an old sawmill site, still covered by lots of saw dust and discarded timber off-cuts. The cars were a welcome sight after hot and trying bush walking conditions.
A special mention and a big pat on the back to local Paluma resident Bruno, who in his mid-eighties never missed a beat all day and left some of the younger walkers well behind. Like they say – age is just a number! It was great to see some of the local Paluma residents joining in the walk to enjoy some of the unique treasures near our little village.

Article by Wilfred Karnoll and Photos provided by Jill Meads
What a wonderful day (quite hot & steamy)great walk, will go again. Bruno the machine.