Works Planned for Paluma Dam Road

On Monday (21 February) I heard a media release that the next stage of road upgrading works are soon to commence on the Paluma Dam Road. The following information has been sourced from the Townsville City Council website for the information of Paluma residents and users of both the Paluma Range Road and the Paluma Dam Road. For more information please contact Townsville City Council or Mendi Group direct.

Date published: TCC Website 18 February 2022

Townsville City Council has contracted local business Mendi Group to undertake the second stage of repairs to sections of Paluma Dam Access Road which were damaged during the 2021 wet season.

Council has received over $540,000 in funding under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) to undertake the works.

Council Infrastructure Services Committee chairperson Kurt Rehbein said the first stage of the works were completed in late-2021 as part of Council’s annual maintenance of the road.

“Stage two will involve more detailed works to repair significant damage to a number of sections of drainage along the 11 km dirt stretch,” Cr Rehbein said.

“The works will include the addition of a new layer of gravel along the length of the road, or resheeting as it is commonly known.”

“Mendi Group will conduct the remediation works, which will support approximately 20 local jobs.

“The road will remain open for the duration of the works, however there may be some minor traffic delays and we thank the community for their cooperation and their patience as this work is completed.”

Works start next week and are expected to take three weeks, weather permitting.