Unofficial Notice of Paluma Dam Road Closure (Oct 5th-Nov 4th)

While the Townsville City Council does not have any official notification on their website I have received verbal advice from a council officer that major works to prepare the major potholes and ditches at specific spots on the dam road will commence and October 5th and be completed by November 4th – rain permitting.

Although it is disappointing that earlier advanced written notice of the closure directly from the Council to residents has not occurred, it is very good news that the chronic erosion of the road due to drain and culvert blockages will finally be fixed more permanently than just throwing some fill onto the road. Many thanks to Wilfred Karnoll whose persisentence during repeated phone calls and delayed meetings finally resulted in the recognition of the problem and a promise (soon to be fulfilled if it doesn’t rain) to fix it.

2 thoughts on “Unofficial Notice of Paluma Dam Road Closure (Oct 5th-Nov 4th)”

  1. The road sign clearly mentions the whole dam road, but the Council website stated that only the road over the spillway was to be closed. I think there are two projects happening, and the public notice has unfortunately not been consistent for both of them.

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