The Paluma Social Event of the Year is Coming…….

The Paluma Social Event of 2021 is fast approaching in June.

On Saturday 12 June 2021 the village of Paluma will host a 90th Birthday Party for our very own esteemed Elder, living legend and champion volunteer (of just about everything) – Sir Leslie Hyland.

Mark the date in your diary people, as this is an event not to be missed.

When: Saturday 12 June 2021 at 6.30 pm.

Where: Paluma Community Hall

What to Bring: A dish to share – savoury or sweet, hot or cold.

Please come along to join your friends, neighbours and fellow ‘Palumerians’ to pass on your regards to Les and to share your favourite story, tale or anecdote about Les, or to tell an Irish joke or two. Yes, all Irish jokes are permitted at this event!

Beverages can be purchased at the bar and tea/coffee will also be available.

We look forward to seeing everyone at this event and this is our chance to thank Les for his many years of dedicated service and volunteering in our village community. See you there – to be sure, to be sure.

One thought on “The Paluma Social Event of the Year is Coming…….”

  1. Please pass on my wishes to the birthday boy, but can you check that there’s not a typo. Are you sure he’s turning 90 and not 80?

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