Botanical Books Now Available to Order…..

For those with an interest in Botany, I find these two books by former Paluma resident, my mentor and good friend, Emeritus Professor Betsy Jackes, invaluable.  Betsy has offered to have a limited print run done, primarily in support of my friends at Savannah and Wet Tropic Guides, but I thought some Paluma people may also be interested.  The cost of each publication should be under $50.00 (Betsy mentioned $35), but we won’t be certain until printing is completed.  This price will not include a retail mark-up, so will be very affordable.

Plants of the Tropics

Plants of the Tropics is my go-to for rainforest plants.  A somewhat technical book, it covers rainforest plants of the Wet Tropics of the Kuranda and Paluma ranges, along with the dryer areas of the Herberton-Stannary Hills and Hidden Valley, and a section on Bryophytes by specialist Dr Andi Cairns.  There is an excellent section with illustrations explaining botanical terms, leading onto identification keys for families.  This book has a strong focus on identification using leaf characteristics, using similar features to those we used during the botanical workshop.  Both my copies are well-worn, copious notes taken on pages and I find it invaluable as a starting reference for identification.

Plants of Magnetic Island

Plants of Magnetic Island is perhaps an easier book for people to use.  Whilst the focus is on Maggie, many of the plants described in this book can be found throughout Northern Australia, including offshore islands.  It contains many of the plants found in “dry” (monsoonal, vine thicket) rainforest, and it also includes many introduced species and weeds. This book features two guides to genera, based on flower colour and obvious fruit features, before leading onto a key to groups, based on leaf characteristics. For me, the outstanding feature is the illustrations; most plants are represented with excellent images.  

To order, please contact me at  Taking orders until end of May, to give everyone an opportunity to purchase.  Payment will not be required until after the printing is completed, as an exact price will not be known until then.

Text & Photos provided by Sarah Swan.

2 thoughts on “Botanical Books Now Available to Order…..”

  1. Interesting to note the book, Plants of Magnetic Island in the recent post.

    Around 60 years ago I bought two Pine tree seedlings around 200m tall across from Magnetic Island and planted these each side of the entrance at our original home behind the old Police Station. I visited these recently and in spite of being a long way out of their normal growing range and in spite of the altitude and cold etc they have grown quite tall although a little scant on foliage.

    Worth a look.

    John Chick.

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