TMR Range Road Update – February 2021

Good afternoon all 

As Meghan is currently away from the office, I am looking after community engagement for works along Mt Spec Road and have some important information to share.

Geotechnical investigations (night closures) rescheduled

Geotechnical investigations on Mt Spec Road, initially scheduled to occur nightly from 8-17 February 2021, will be rescheduled. The works have been impacted by wet weather and the project team has made the decision to reschedule the works to a later date. At this time, TMR is proposing to recommence the nightly geotechnical investigations on 6pm Monday 22 February, continuing until 6am Saturday 6 March 2020 (weather permitting). During these works, road closure times will remain the same as for previous works – 6pm to 6am Monday to Thursday, and 7pm to 7am Friday. An updated information flyer is attached and Meghan will send a reminder closer to the works recommencement date.  

Temporary day road closure required next week

Due to wet weather conditions on site earlier this week, an incident occurred at Mountain Creek which resulted in a light tower trailer (being used for the night works) slipping off the roadway and falling down the slope. The incident resulted in minor vegetation damage only and the fallen light tower is not posing a safety risk to traffic or people.  However, a crane will be required to remove the light tower as crews are unable to drag it up the slope due to the risk of damaging the heritage stone wall at this location. To ensure the safety of both workers and motorists, the retrieval will need to be undertaken during daylight hours and will require a temporary road closure of 4-5 hours when the crane is on site and operating.

To undertake these works, TMR is proposing to implement a temporary day closure of Mt Spec Road on either Tuesday (16/2) OR Wednesday (17/2) next week, from 9.30am to 2.30pm.

I am seeking your feedback on these proposed closure times before anything further is confirmed.  If you have any concerns with the proposed dates or times of the day closure, please let me know by reply email.  While we recognise these works will have an impact on the Mt Spec community and we may not be able to accommodate everyone’s travel requirements, the objective is to minimise these impacts and obtain a general consensus from the majority of residents and stakeholders on the suitability of proposed closure times.  Subject to community feedback, TMR will confirm closure times with the contractor and further information will be sent out from Meghan early next week.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as TMR completes essential works along Mt Spec Road.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone on 4421 8970 should you wish to discuss anything further.

Kind regards

Kelly Stolz

Customer and Stakeholder Management 
Northern District | Department of Transport and Main Roads

Floor 6 | Townsville Government Office Building | 445 Flinders Street | Townsville Qld 4810
PO Box 1089 | Townsville Qld 4810
P: 1800 625 648 | F: (07) 4421 8711