Presentation to Les Hyland this Saturday (11am)

As previously reported, Les Hyland was nominated to be the Townsville City Council “Senior of the Year” for 2020. While he did not win the award, he was included in the short list. This Saturday (Sept 12) our local Councilor, Margie Ryder, will come up the range to make a presentation to Les in recognition of his shortlisting. The event will be at the Rainforest Inn at 11am. Please come along to help celebrate the achievements (and stamina!) of our now-famous senior member of the Village.

3 thoughts on “Presentation to Les Hyland this Saturday (11am)”

  1. Congratulations Les, (and Lyn – a good woman behind a good man.) We have witnessed over 30 years of dedicated, hard work you both have devoted to the Paluma district. Your selflessness is very much appreciated. regards Dorothy and Peter Klumpp

  2. Congratulations Les! You deserve all the accolades you get, all well earned. Unfortunately wont be able to join in the celebrations, hopefully we will be well up Mount Westminster Abbey.
    Kind regards

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