Over many years Don Battersby has been vigilant in recording the annual rainfall statistics at his property on Hussey Road on the western outskirts of Paluma Village.
Don has kindly contributed the following rainfall statistics for Hussey Road for 2019. The total rainfall recorded by Don for 2019 was 4205.5 mm with rain falling on 99 days of the year.

The stand-out months for rainfall were January and February with a total of 3069 mm of rain falling in these two months (equivalent to 73% of the total rainfall for 2019). In the latter part of 2019, the stand-out month for the lack of rainfall was September with not a drop of rain recorded at Hussey Road!
Are there other rainfall recordings for Paluma and surrounds?. If you have been recording rainfall at your property we would love to have your statistics!
Rainfall recordings by Don Battersby. Text by Michele Bird.
What about the Official rain gauge that was located at Ivy Cottage and now relocated in front of the Paluma EEC. Surely that rainfall data would be available through BOM. Kind regards Cam Mackenzie
Hi Cam,
The Ivy Cottage still records rainfall automatically and sends it to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), however the monthly record tend to take some time to update and last I checked there was nothing for November or December on the BOM website. Once the data are up on the site I will do a quick post to review the official record for the year, and compare with Don’s readings. From the l00ks of it we had a year of extremes with the wettest wet season ever recorded and what looks like one of the drier dry seasons.