Cyclone Season Preparation

Memories of the 2019 February inundation and the subsequent isolation of Paluma and communities to the west will be with us for years. These memories should prompt all of us living in the area to consider carefully how we prepare for the coming wet season.

The best way to start this years’ preparation is to visit the Queensland Government website The site addresses preparation for a range of disasters that could affect Queensland. Cyclone, storm damage & fires are the most relevant to our area.  It also lists a number of disaster related apps. Another useful website is

Cyclones & extreme rainfall events

The get ready website suggests being prepared for 3 days of self-sufficiency. This may be adequate for the lowlands, but may prove inadequate for Paluma to Hidden Valley communities.  If a high category cyclone crosses the coast anywhere near Townsville, Paluma to Hidden Valley problems are likely to be well down the priority list.

Plan for the worst – what if.

  1. All access roads to the area closed for ten (?) plus days
  2. Prolonged loss of the electricity grid supply.
  3. Eventual loss of landline & mobile phone communication due loss of power to the Telstra site.
  4. Damage to Townsville Water infrastructure resulting in unreliable water supply.
  5. Structural damage to your private residences forcing evacuation to temporary accommodation.

If you work through the three steps of the Have a Plan section of the get ready website you should be covered for most things. However they don’t mention backup generators & standby gas cooking equipment or the associated fuel & gas.

For anyone without internet access the following checklist covers some of the things to consider.


Check currency & adequacy.

Basic supplies

  1. Enough food for the whole household including pets. If you have no generator backup for you refrigerator then stick mainly to non-perishable food. (dried or tinned)
  2. Adequate supplies of prescription medication plus cold & flu tablets, pain killers etc.
  3. Toiletries.
  4. Adequate clothing for everyone for the duration.
  5. Extra bed linen & towels.
  6. Sturdy gloves.
  7. Wet weather gear.
  8. Allow 3 litres of bottled water per person per day. Alternatively a small rainwater tank with water purification tablets from chemist/camping stores. Without power electrical appliances will not be able to boil water for safety.
  9. Important documents & a backup hard drive.
  10. Up to date first aid kit.
  11. Adequate generator fuel & gas for backup cooking equipment. Those on solar off grid systems should consider how much fuel they may need if the solar array is damaged.
  12. Spare batteries for torches/radios.
  13. Sturdy waterproof containers for food, clothes, medication, phones etc.


  1. The Telstra site has a backup generator but no external fuel tank suggesting it is only designed for short term power interruptions. There may also be batteries in the equipment hut. So landline & mobile phones may continue to work for some time after a power failure & then shut down. Suggest it wise to make any important phone calls or emails as soon as possible after the event.
  2. For landline phones a non 240v phone is best.
  3. Have an alternate way of charging mobile phones & tablets without mains power.
  4. Will your mobile phone work at the Star Valley or McClelland’s’ lookouts.
  5. Battery radio.


  1. Generator –tested/serviced.
  2. Backup gas cooking equipment (BBQ) if you only have an electric stove.
  3. Alternative lighting.

Evacuating you house due structural damage.

Extra things that should be considered for an evacuation kit include bedding (sleeping bags, inflatable mattresses & pillows), reading material & games, cash.

If you are not going to be in the Paluma area.

  1.  Ensure anyone occupying your house is aware of the above suggestions.
  2. Clean out your fridge & freezer
  3. Consider supplying a neighbour with a key & your contact details so they can access your property to check for damage & report to you.

Charlie Allen, Mt Spec SES

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