Paluma Tropical BBQ and new Hall lights mark the start of the Christmas season

On Saturday we had very good attendance at our Tropical BBQ including a couple from Townsville who happened to be up for the weekend. There was a variety of salad, and deserts and plenty of meat to go round. Les the barman made sure there was plenty of social lubricant available to add to the enjoyment of the evening. Photographic evidence of the event is unfortunately scarce. Yours truly was too busy catching up with people and providing his usual inept services as a relief barman and totally forgot to take pictures. We did manage to get a shot of the last of the crowd at the end of the evening.

This year, for the first time, the exterior of the hall and the gazebo were decorated with Christmas lights that definitely provided a festive look to the area that could be seen from the Mt Spec Rd as well as Smith Crescent. Many thanks to the Townsville City Council’s “Christmas Together ” initiative which provided funds for the purchase of the external lights as well as eskies to ensure we could keep our meat and drinks cool.

New Christmas lights provided a festive look to the Community Hall courtesy of the Townsville City Council.

Whats Fruiting in Paluma this December? – Coral Mushrooms

Michele recently documented some plants that are flowering around Paluma late in the dry Season. One would normally not think of looking out for mushrooms at this time of year, with the forest floor about as dry as it ever gets, and most fungi either totally absent or, in the case of bracket fungi, persisting as dried-out colourless husks clinging to logs and tree trunks. However there is one group of fungi whose fruiting body (what we call a mushroom) make a regular occurrence at this time of year and they are really quite spectacular in their shape. They are called coral fungi (most of them in the genus Ramaria), and as a coral biologist I can attest that they bear a striking resemblance to true corals.

Ramaria sp

I have seen two fine specimens of coral fungi in the last few weeks. One on the track to Witt’s lookout (above), and the other at the cutting outside the gate to 28 Mt Spec Road. They are probably gone now but there should be others coming up over the month around the village and adjacent tracks.

Ramaria sp

Coral fungi, despite there impressive appearance have not been well documented in Australia. According to the Qld Mycological Society, there are only 19 described species of Ramaria in Australia, but “… it is quite possible that the total number of species of Ramaria found to occur in Australia will be over 100.” None of the 18 recognised species in Queensland looks similar to the ones in the photos here so it is quite possible that these specimens are are an undescribed species (or tw0)!

Text and photos by Jamie Oliver

Leonard the Lizard (and friends?)

The latest news on ‘Leonard the Lizard’ from Lennox Crescent……

Len Cook has provided a new photograph of Leonard the Lizard, aka the Lace Monitor as it continues to frequent and forage in the gardens at the western end of Lennox Crescent.

Our post last week (02/12/19) prompted several other residents to respond with reports on Leonard’s whereabouts and activities, with some reports suggesting Leonard might have some Lace Monitor friends about the place!

Jamie Oliver notes that Leonard makes a regular appearance at his place (next door to Len Cook) and has made the garden and driveway its home. Lynda Radbone reports that she has seen a Lace Monitor at least three times over the past few weeks in Colwyn Campbell’s garden (watch out Flossy!!). Lynda thinks that this Lace Monitor might be a different individual to the one frequenting Lennox Crescent, as it is appears smaller and with more distinct markings. Lynda has also seen Lace Monitors at her place (last year) at the western end of the village. Lynda said that she regularly watched her Lace Monitor snacking on skinks in the back garden.

Are there any other sightings of Lace Monitors at Paluma? Let us know!

Text by Michele Bird & Photo by Len Cook.

Editors note: (May 1, 2020)
Recent correspondence from a herpetologist at James Cook University indicates that Leonard is in fact a different species (Varanus panoptes – Yellow-spotted Monitor)

What’s Flowering at Paluma in December

Two contributions have been received from some keen Paluma gardeners wanting to share photographs of some impressive plants currently in flower at the end of the dry season.

A fine specimen of Elaeocarpus reticulatus is in flower at Michael and Donna Drew’s cottage at Hussey Road. Michael notes that this small tree/bush is known by several common names such as Blueberry Ash and ‘Fairy Petticoats’.

Michael Drew writes:

“I think ‘Fairy Petticoats’ is a better description leaving aside the question of whether fairies actually wear petticoats!? (Maybe when they attend Fairy Debutante Balls….?).

I suspect this bush was planted next to a fine example of a Symplocus stawellii (Native Hazelnut Tree) by the original owner of Bud Cottage. Bud Jones, who lived here for over 60 years was a great scrounger of all things botanical and mechanical.

The ‘Fairy Petticoats’ bush seems to be outside its normal habitat, described as open Eucalypt/Casuarina forests, sometimes on rocky slopes (Reference: Native Plants of Queensland, Volume 1). I have not seen this bush flower in the past, over 10 years. I suspect the very dry weather has caused the bush to flower (as with many other species presently blooming up here).

The ‘Fairy Petticoats’ produces purple berries….. probably eaten by cassowaries”.

‘Fairy Petticoats’.

Peter and Dorothy Klumpp have discovered a Red Passion Flower or Red Passion Vine (Passiflora sp.) growing along the edge of the rainforest in their back garden. It is a vigorous climber, growing at ground level and also reaching high into the canopy, with hanging clusters of brilliant red flowers.

Red Passion Flower is native to Brazil, but grows well in tropical and subtropical climates. It can be potentially invasive in a garden and adjacent bushland if not controlled and regularly pruned. The bright red flowers are a great attractant for butterflies and bees.

Red Passion Flower.
Flowers and climbing tendrils of the Red Passion Flower.

If you have an extraordinary or special plant currently in flower at Paluma and you would like to share it (or even brag about it!), please get in touch.

Text by Michele Bird and Michael Drew. Photos by Michael Drew and Dorothy and Peter Klumpp.

Roy’s Nature Notes Re-visited

We all mourned the passing of Roy Mackay this year. He made a major contribution to Village life, and is perhaps best remembered for his regular articles in Turkey Talk under the banner of “Nature Notes”. These articles contained a wealth of information on the comings and goings of local plants and animals, but also wandered into philosophical musings and historical anecdotes. While its possible to use the online Turkey Talk archive to look up past Nature Notes articles, I thought it would be useful to compile all of them into a single document that can be perused at ones leisure or used to look up accounts of particular species or events. After a few stops and starts during the year, this compilation is now completed and available in our Documents Library in the Nature section.

The compilation lists all nature-related articles published by Roy from 2011 up til the end of 2018. Some of the early contributions had different titles, but the majority used the familiar “Nature Notes” banner.

I enjoyed putting this booklet together and reading through all the past contributions. I learned a lot and got to feel I knew Roy better as a result. I hope you will take a moment to look through it. There is a subject index, but if you are reading the pdf file on your computer, you can use the Find function (Ctl-F) to look for occurrences of any word

Happy Browsing!

Jamie Oliver

Out & About With Paluma’s Reptiles

Well, my weekend at Paluma was a very eventful one, thanks to the local reptilian population. No doubt the recent warm and dry weather within our little village has contributed to the flurry of activity for the local lizards and snakes.

It all started last week when Len Cook told me that he has a new tenant at ‘Len Cook Ceramics’ on Lennox Crescent. Indeed, a rather large goanna has recently appeared and made Len’s garden its home and regular foraging ground. Len has spotted the goanna daily over almost a week. It’s favourite place to forage is at the large concrete drain along the front of Len’s block. Len has named his new friend ‘Leonard the Lizard’.

Leonard the Lizard at Len Cook Ceramics.

Len (Cook that is) notes that he has not seen goannas in the village in the past, although Jennie Robinson told me that she has occasionally seen them at the back of her garden at the western end of the village. We were speculating as to whether the recent dry conditions might be contributing to this individual foraging over a broader territory, or whether it might be seeking water.

‘Leonard the Lizard’ appears to be a fine specimen of Varanus varius (Lace monitor). These ground-dwelling goannas are fairly common in the wet tropics region ( They are diurnal and their diet includes insects, lizards, mice and snakes. Monitors are reported as being immune to most snake venom and they will readily kill and eat venomous snake species.

Editors note: (May 1, 2020)
Recent correspondence from a herpetologist at James Cook University indicates that Leonard is in fact a different species (Varanus panoptes – Yellow-spotted Monitor)

Which leads me to the second reptilian encounter of my weekend………

Late on Saturday afternoon I encountered a rather large red-bellied black snake in my garage, happily checking out my gum boots . After I almost trod on it, it retreated to find refuge under some gear stored in the garage. A quick call to Len (Cook, not the Lizard) and he arrived with sturdy rake in hand to deal with the invader. The snake was expertly wrangled by Len with rake and wheelie bin and marshalled out of the garage and back into the garden. I, of course expertly directed the whole operation from a suitable but distant vantage point. Many thanks to Len Cook for his fine herpetological wrangling skills, which he seemingly took in his stride.

Lessons Learnt by me: 1). Don’t leave the garage door open. 2). Clean up the garage and reduce potential snake hiding places, and 3). NEVER put my gum boots on without first taking a look inside to see what might be in there!

Saturday evening the close encounters with reptiles continued, but to my considerable delight! In my laundry I found the most incredible specimen that I have ever seen of the Northern Leaf-Tailed Gecko. This lizard is an absolute stunner!

The Northern Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Saltuarius cornutus) is described as a large gecko with a triangular head, narrow neck and a broad, leaf-like tail. Unlike most geckos it has clawed toes rather than adhesive discs on its feet. The dorsal surface of the skin has sharply pointed tubercles (horns). All of these features are clearly seen in my photograph.

These geckos are nocturnal tree dwellers and they prey on large insects, spiders and cockroaches. Their colouration usually depends on their habitat and they are experts at camouflage. Because I disturbed this specimen at night by switching on the light, it clearly did not have time to adapt its colouration (camouflage) to the surroundings (the grey concrete laundry floor). I am pleased to report that it reappeared on Sunday night so it would seem the laundry and garage are now part of its regular foraging territory.

Most exciting of all is that the literature I have read indicates that the average body length of these geckoes is about 14 cm. This guy is therefore a giant at very close to 20 cm in length. It even allowed me to take some measurements as proof (see photo below). Perhaps I have found a new sub-species of this gecko? The Giant Paluma Northern Leaf-Tailed Gecko? Sounds very good to me!

You just gotta love where we live!

Text by Michele Bird. Photos by Len Cook and Michele Bird.

Reminder: Tropical BBQ on Saturday 7 December

As the year draws to a close don’t forget the last event on the Paluma social calendar will be held on Saturday 7 December. The annual Tropical BBQ will be held at the Community Hall.

The Bar will be open from 6.30 pm with low cost beverages on sale.

Please bring along:- Your choice of meat for the BBQ and a plate of food to share – nibbles, salad or a sweet dish.

Most of all, bring along your good cheer and Christmas spirit. See you there.

History Display Closes for the Holiday Season

The History Project will close for the holiday season and the wet season after the session on Tuesday 26th November 2019.  It will re-open in 2020 on St Patrick’s Day, Tuesday 17th March at the usual time of 11.00 to 13.00 hrs.

The Paluma community thanks the dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who make the History Project an ongoing success year after year. Thank you to all those who have assisted in running the Project in 2019, especially Les Hyland, Lynn Hyland and Colwyn Campbell.

The Great Walls of Lennox Crescent

Since George and Kathryn moved into their cottage on Lennox Crescent at Paluma about six months ago they have been busy sprucing up the rainforest garden on their large block of land. One of their aims has been to reduce the cover of invasive ferns across their block and especially amongst the understory of the rainforest. Concerted weeding efforts over many weeks is achieving great success.

George and Kathryn knew their block of land contained a series of stepped stone retaining walls, largely hidden by the dense growth of ferns. Their weeding efforts have revealed some quite remarkable ‘stone-pitched’ walls, emerging from the ferny undergrowth and the rainforest, almost like some ancient archaeological ruins.

Because the block is rather steep and sloping in places, it would appear the stone walls have been built to control water run-off and erosion – something many of us deal with at Paluma during the wet season and heavy downpours. There is no actual mortar within the walls, but each stone has been carefully selected and placed to fit neatly next to the neighbouring stone. In places, there are some large boulders which appear to be in situ (natural) and smaller imported stones have been packed around these to form the wall. There is no doubt that a lot of time, effort and some quite remarkable ingenuity has gone into building these retaining walls.

Keen to know the history of these stone walls and especially who built them, I went in search of some long-time Paluma residents for some information. We are still trying to unravel the full story, but what we know so far is this:-

It seems the walls were probably built back in the time when Gwen Lennox owned this block. She once owned George and Kathryn’s block, as well as the adjacent blocks. A long-time Paluma resident told me that most of the rocks came from Ollera Creek and they were transported up the range in the boot of a small sedan. The Lennox family spent a lot of time at Paluma and they also owned a plant nursery in Townsville. We are still not sure when the stone walls were built, but it has been suggested that they might have been constructed in the 1950’s.

There is no doubt that these stone walls have been very effective over the years in controlling erosion on this sloping block of land. The walls are in a great state of preservation and are still doing the job!. Certainly, the dense cover of ferny foliage has assisted in keeping the walls intact over time.

George and Kathryn do not intend to completely clear all of the ferns, but their weeding over the past few months has certainly revealed what can only be described as some Great Walls on Lennox Crescent!

George and Kathryn standing in front of a section of their great walls!

If you can contribute any further information on the story of these walls and if you know who built them and when, we would love to hear from you!

Text & Photos by Michele Bird

Gardeners Get Ready!

The annual Paluma Garden Competition is just around the corner with the judging to take place between Monday 25th November and Wednesday 27th November. The judging will be done by Bunnings staff, with Bunnings also kindly donating some vouchers for the winners.

The judges will be accompanied by a member of the PDCA or a local Paluma resident during the judging. If you do not want your garden included in the competition and/or you do not wish the judging team to enter your property, please send an email to Lynn Hyland at:-

The winners of the Garden Competition will be announced at the last social for 2019 at the Tropical BBQ on Saturday 7th December at the Community Hall.

The Garden Competition is hotly contested every year, so now is the time to get out in the fresh air and spruce up your patch of paradise ready for the judging. Despite the recent hot and dry weather, a short stroll around the village on Sunday morning (10/11/19) revealed many beautiful blooms amongst the village gardens (and some stiff competition from the neighbours!).

Gardeners, start your mowers and get your secateurs ready………! Here’s a few photographs of current blooms to give you some inspiration.

A stunning mass planting of Asiatic liliums on Lennox Crescent.
Clivia hybrid in a shady spot in the garden.

Agapanthus varieties are just starting to bloom. Purple & white varieties are common in the village.

One of many mass plantings of hippeastrum lillies around the village.
The Chameleon variety of Tibouchina is bursting into flower and should be at its blooming best in a week or so.

A stunning Gladioli in the prize winning Gumburu garden.