Vale Tom Conner 1931-2019

It is with sadness that we report the passing of Tom Conner. For almost 80 years of his life Tom was connected with Paluma.

In 1938 Tom moved to Taravale Road with his mother, father and grandfather. Tom said that their shelter was ‘up-market’ for the area as it had hessian walls. Tom’s father and grandfather were timber cutters. At the start of World War 2 the government conscripted his father (Tom Senior) and his grandfather into the Civil Construction Corp. His father was put in charge of the timber camp at Taravale Road.

Tom spent most of the war years at the Taravale camp. A simple monument at about 0.7 km down the road (off the Mount Spec-Ewan Road) marks the camp site. (Although Taravale Road is a private road it is possible for people to drive down the road – with caution – to visit the monument).

After the war, Tom lived in various houses in Paluma and became a timber cutter and a timber truck driver, delivering loads to the old Moongobulla rail siding (now gone). After his marriage to Freda, Tom moved to Townsville and worked for the electricity industry, selecting power poles to harvest in the Mount Spec area for many years. In retirement, Tom and Freda owned a house in the Paluma village. Freda is the granddaughter of the Cavill family, pioneers of the Paluma area.

Tom’s favourite sport was tennis. He hit many a ball on the war time court opposite Ivy Cottage. Tom will be remembered as a gentleman and for his knowledge and incredible memories of the Paluma area.

Our sincere condolences go to Tom’s family and friends.

Post courtesy of Bill Pyne