Vale Roy Mackay

It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we post the news that one of Paluma’s most beloved and admired residents, Roy Mackay has passed away.

Roy passed peacefully at 9.15 PM on Tuesday 12 February at the Regis Aged Care facility in the company of his long-time companion Colwyn Campbell and his dear friend Beth Snewin. Roy was 90 years of age.

Our sincere condolences to Roy’s family and to Colwyn at this sad time.

Roy Mackay in September 2018 in one of his favourite places – his library.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

By Robert Frost

Nature’s first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold. 

Her early leaf’s a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

2 thoughts on “Vale Roy Mackay”

  1. Roy your smile and kindness will be missed Jemima and Sam remember you as the man with so much patience and knowledge thank you for being part of our life.

  2. A fond farewell to a man of principle especially when it came to the natural world ,its inhabitants and habitats.

    we shall miss your smiling wisdom and your constant reassuring presence over the past decades.

    You were a man of flowers and a fineexample to all!

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