Sunday September 30 was a beautiful fine sunny day at Paluma with a breeze keeping temperatures to about 26 degrees. There were 8 stallholders set up before opening time at 09.00 hrs and thanks to Don Battersby, Ross Hyne and Sonya Bryce, the barbeque was operational before 08.30 hrs.
After a slowish start there was a steady stream of customers in the hall and most also patronised the sausage sizzle. For the first time we were able to take advantage of the community hall extension, with two stalls set up in the new meeting room and people making use of the now extended square verandah.

The steady flow of customers continued until the sausages ran out at 12.40 hrs and about the same time the crowd in the hall diminished. Nevertheless, the feedback from the stallholders was very positive many, including newcomers, declaring their intention to return with their stalls at Easter. Altogether, a highly satisfactory day which will yield a modest profit that the Paluma & District Community Association needs.
Text & Photo by Les Hyland