Buddhist’s Retreat At Paluma

This week has seen the annual Buddhist’s Retreat held at the Paluma Community Hall. This is the thirteenth year this event has been held at Paluma. The course is organised by Buddhist Chaplain Phil Heang.

The teachings are provided by Lama Choedak, a Tibetan-born Buddhist. Lama Choedak trained as a monk for nine years, spending three and a half years in solitary retreat sponsored by The Dalia Lama.

Lama Choedak

The three day course focuses on ‘Calm Abiding Meditation’ which is the most fundamental of all Buddhist meditation practices. The teachings focus on using the tool of mindfulness to bring a sense of stability and clarity to the mind. Calm Abiding Meditation can assist in understanding the origins of stress and mental confusion and it can assist in coping with life’s problems.

Some 15 participants took part in this week’s course, some traveling from as far afield as Hervey Bay and Melbourne. Lama Choedak is based in Canberra and enjoys his annual visit to Paluma. Lama Choedak and Phil Heang would welcome Paluma residents to join the course next year. The course is usually held in early September.

Participants at the Buddhist’s Retreat

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