Paluma is regularly visited by bird watcher’s from all over Australia and from around the world. This weekend (11 August) Ken Russell spent the day in the village, walking many of the local tracks. Ken lives in Victoria and he is a Member of Birdlife East Gippsland.

This was Ken’s second trip to Paluma and he spent the day searching for and photographing a variety of rainforest birds. He was especially keen on capturing images of the catbird, chowchilla, riflebird, noisy pitta, regent bowerbird and wompoo pigeon.
By all accounts, Ken had a very successful day, capturing some great images of a brazen catbird, riflebirds, satin bowerbirds and numerous other species. The chowchilla remained elusive and is still on Ken’s list of rainforest birds to photograph.
Hi Michele
Hi Michelle, thanks again to you, Colwyn, Jamie and Paul for your hospitality and help in showing me some of the birds you have there. I really liked Paluma and the community spirit I experienced there, aso loved the way the houses have been built to take in the rainforest and their denizens. I have posted photos of a catbird and comments on Facebook in the following groups……Birdlife East Gippsland, Bird Photography Australia and photo of butterfly and comments to Australian Butterfly and Moth Enthusiasts. Will post more photos in the near future.
Ken Russell