Road-Runner Rooster on the Range

The talk in the village over the past week or so has been about the large rooster lurking about on the Range Road round the area of the saddle. In fact, I don’t think there is anyone travelling the Range Road that hasn’t caught sight of this rather handsome bird who mysteriously appeared along the roadside just prior to Christmas.

Exactly where the rooster has come from is the burning question. My own theory is that some very irresponsible person has dumped the bird because they no longer wanted him. A sad and cruel state of affairs if this is the case.

Word around the village is that quite a few people have attempted to catch the slippery chook without success. I made a valiant attempt myself last Monday at 6.30 am to catch the bird. Armed with some toast and vegemite (my breakfast) and a large blanket I nearly had him. Alas, he was too quick for me and before I could get a good grip on him he escaped my snare, leaving me holding two tail feathers. He crowed heartily from a distance to announce his victory. Roy the Kelpie was very keen to round him up, but I wasn’t sure that process was going to end well. I did make a call-out to several of the local and state authorities during the past week whose response to assist with the welfare of this ‘stray animal’ was extremely under-whelming.

Here’s hoping that one of the ongoing attempts by local residents to catch ‘Road Runner the Rooster’ (as I have named him) are successful. Ultimately, its hoped he can be caught and re-homed in some happy hen house on one of the outer village blocks or a local farm. A much better fate than that which might await him if the local dingoes discover him. He’s a very handsome chap and deserves a much better life than being abandoned by the roadside.

Photos by Peter Cooke. Text by Michele Bird.

2 thoughts on “Road-Runner Rooster on the Range”

  1. Exciting things happen when Iā€™m not there!šŸ˜‚ Slippery fellow. Great photos Michele Oops I meant Peter!

  2. Exciting things happen when Iā€™m not there!šŸ˜‚ Slippery fellow. Great photos Michele

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