Paluma After Dark: A great walk despite the weather

This Saturday’s Paluma After Dark walk along Lennox Cr and the start of the H-Track was a success with a small but enthusiastic group of residents and a bit of luck with the inclement weather. Colwyn Campbell was able to joint the group, together with Michele Bird, Jodie Pace, Juanita Poletto and myself.
Fortunately, the rain paused just before our scheduled walk and started up again just as we finished. The wet forest floor was covered in gleaming droplets lit up by our torches, but we were still able to see eyeshine from some huntsman spiders and a nocturnal moth. There were several larger items on display as well, including a medium-sized amethystine python crossing the path in front of us, a native rat glowing bluish in our UV lights, a small colony of glow worms (and a minute luminous mushroom) along Lennox Cr. and a large log covered in brilliantly fluorescing liverworts.

One of the things we learned on the walk was that when it comes to using UV light to bring out fluorescence, “torches ain’t torches”. The common inexpensive UV torches available in Townsville stores emit light that is only just within the UV range and also produce substantial visible violet light that can mask or mute the fluorescence. A recently purchased (but more expensive) UV light that emits more light fully in the UV range (365nm) induced more brilliantly blue fluorescence in the liverworts, but also created stunning red fluorescence in some mosses and the new leaves of small seedlings in the forest floor.

Here are a few photos from the walk that will hopefully inspire others to join our next walk in June.

Text and photos by Jamie Oliver

4 thoughts on “Paluma After Dark: A great walk despite the weather”

    1. Jamie purchased his torch online via Amazon. I have now purchased one and I thoroughly recommend getting one. The forest comes alive at night. I will send you the link Sonya. Regards Michele

  1. WOW!! I’m looking forward to getting to one of these walks. Thank you for sharing your pics

  2. Thanks Jamie and Juanita for a thoroughly enjoyable night walk. The rainforest is always fascinating during the day, but by night it is another world altogether. I very much enjoyed the nocturnal perspective of this amazing environment and encourage others to join the next walk. I learnt a great deal from the short walk. Although we were out for about 1.5 hours, we actually covered very little distance because there was so much to see. The neon blue liverworts on the decaying log along the H-Track were absolutely stunning! You gotta see them!

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