I’ve Got Worms…..!

Over the years my garage has provided a refuge and habitat for a diversity of critters, some welcome and some not-so-welcome. Regular visitors have included leaf-tail geckos, eastern water skinks, rodents of all shapes, sizes and dispositions, as well as an occasional red-bellied black snake.

Just lately I have noticed that earthworms are visiting, mostly at night. Not only I have seen worms of many sizes, but evidence of their nightly forays are left in silvery tracks and trails across the garage floor.

The mother of all worms visited last night! The photograph below shows this specimen is a giant. The ruler in the photo is a standard 30 cm or 12 inch ruler. So, she measures at least 27 cm in length. I tried to measure her girth, but she was way too wriggly to hold and measure at the same time. I estimate she was about 1.5 cm round the body.

Late evening I decided to relocate this worm to a leafy, secluded spot in the garden, hoping that she would find a safe place to settle in before the family flock of chortling Chowchillas arrived as usual to forage the next morning!

Text & Photo by Michele Bird

3 thoughts on “I’ve Got Worms…..!”

  1. It turns out that Australia is famous for its earthworms. Gippsland boasts the biggest in the world (up to 3 metres!!!). The wet tropics, and thus possibly Paluma, also has one of the biggest earthworms in Oz, it can get up to 2 metres in length and its blue! So keep an eye out.


  2. I’ve got worms too! But thankfully they are in my worm farm. Great little critters making worm pee and poo for my garden. That certainly is a monster. What are you feeding them?

  3. I was pleased to receive some feedback today on my post regarding worms! Len Cook has kindly informed me that there is treatment available in tablet form. Thanks Len!

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