The Gecko’s Second Skin…….

This is an addendum to my recent post (2 December) on the Northern Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Saltuarius cornutus) and particularly the large specimen which has taken up residence in my garage. I am pleased to report that this fine gecko has been sighted three nights in a row, foraging in the garage, no doubt looking for spiders, bugs and other goodies to eat.

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to take some better photos of my friend (compared with the poorer quality iPhone photos in my previous post). At high resolution this gecko is even more spectacular. Check out the features in the photos below.

Which end is which?? The head is to the left and the similarly shaped leaf-tail is on the right.
A master of disguise for predators!
A closer view of the broad leaf-tail.

To add to the story of this superb gecko, on Sunday morning I found that during the night it had shed the skin from its entire body and left it on the garage floor. A complete shedding, right down to the end of the toes!

The shedded skin from the Northern Leaf-Tailed Gecko.

I was thinking about it and I have to admit to being slightly envious of the reptilian ability to shed one’s skin. Wouldn’t it be great if after a hard day at work you could just slip your existing skin and start afresh the next day with a brand new, revitalised exterior??!!

Text & Photos by Michele Bird