Paluma Goes (Irish) Green

St Patrick’s Day Celebrations at Paluma

Paluma traditionally celebrates ‘La Feile Padraig’ [The feast of Patrick] on the Saturday nearest to the actual day, 17th March. This year we were one day ahead on Saturday 16th.  Due to the afternoon tea in celebration of the late Roy Mackay the starting time was delayed to 19.00hrs, but in the event it was near 19.30 hrs before we were eating.  There was a great selection of dishes with an Irish flavour including, potato bake, chicken casserole, devilled eggs and many others.  Desserts included a wonderful green creamy delight, Guinness brownies, bread and butter pudding and pavlova.

With over 30 people attending, it is needless to say the bar did a brisk and lively trade but, surprisingly, there was some Guinness left over.  There was a lucky shamrock under a chair and it is amazing how difficult it proved in finding just which chair!

Many attendees wore their best green gear and several leprechauns appeared out of the Paluma mist, so that the community hall was a sea of Irish green.

Lynn took on the role of Quiz Master for the evening – she said that Les’ questions were too hard – challenging geographic, musical and Irish general topics. There were several participants who scored 13 out of 17 which is an extremely good show of knowledge. The tie-breaker question saw the winner –  Wendy Kaus – collect her bottle of wine.  Les threw in a few Irish jokes and the buzz of conversation lasted late into the evening.

The highly efficient washing up crew’s work was greatly appreciated. It was a most enjoyable night.

Assistant Editors Note: Many thanks to Les and Lynn Hyland for their hard work in decorating the hall, stocking the bar and making the event a great success!

Text by Les Hyland and Photos by Michele Bird

2 thoughts on “Paluma Goes (Irish) Green”

  1. I agree, A great night . Well done to Les and Lynn for their work in ensuring that our Irish tradition lives on.

  2. Lots of fun had by all. Great to see so many enjoying the social occasion. Thanks for the photos Michele. Always a good memory.

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