As mentioned in the last “Paluma in the Rain” update, we had a visit from the acting Mayor (Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney) and Zac Daws, Local Disaster Coordinator last Sunday. In preparation for the meeting, Peter Cooke wrote up a list of issues for discussion which included:
- lack of news on the state of the range road and the schedule for repairs
- lack of adequate backup power for the Telstra mobile phone tower
- need for a formal landing area near the village for helicopters
- need for rubbish collection as soon as possible
- need for road maintenance to Ewan and Hervey’s Range road
- request to increase bandwidth of the TCC wifi link at the Community Hall
The mayor noted that many of these items were outside their immediate responsibility but undertook to pass our concerns on to the relevant authority, and to respond in writing to those issues it was in a position to act on.
The following response was sent to Charlie Allen and Ross Hyne on Monday.